Is it dead?


New Member
I purchased an anemone yesterday. It was called a rock anemone. It was a pinkish/white when I bought it, but when I put it in my tank it turned a darker pink. This morning it was a pink/purple and it looks like it shriveled up. Now its really shriveled up and dark purple. Is it dead? I have 2 fish in the tank both are damselfish.


Welcome to the board Jenn. Well, it looks like there are several anenome's in that picture so which one do you mean. When you say rock anenome, to me that means apstasia. They are also called curly Q anenome. Is that it. In the photo I also see feather dusters and at the bottom, an atlantic anenome. Basicly, they eat what ever it is you are feeding your other tank inhabitants. You can use a baster and squirt brine shrimp directly on them. I have also used a product called micro-vert which has worked for me as well.
If it is apstasia, keep in mind that they do multiply fast and can quickly over run your tank. Many people have them and are happy, I myself had one for about 7 months before I finally removed it because it had grown too larg. I think it is a personal choice.
I hope I have helped.


Doesn't look like aiptaisia to me. Looks like a purple long tentacle anemone aka macrodactyla. What's that pinkish looking thing on the left? Feather duster? Anenome?
Anenome sometimes curl up, especially in their first day in a new tank. Relax. Getting darker is a good sign. If it doesn't improve in a few hours, then you may have a problem.


New Member
LOL! No I just have 1 anenome all those others are a nifty reef backdrop from the LPS. See the pink one beside the rock? That's the only one. But its inflated again. So apparantly its not dead. I read on the forum that when they shrivel up they are riding themselves of waste?


:D Now that you point out it's a background, I can totally see it. Yes,it is a purple tip anenome. Is your tank an eclips? 5 gals right? Just a tip, make sure you test your water frequently as in a small tank the water conditions can change quick. Not trying to scare you so please don't take it that way, just some friendly advise. I told you in the earlier post what to feed so have fun and good luck.


New Member
Thanks! :) It still isn't fully inflated again, but on its way. I have plenty of brineshrimp hatching out all the time. I'll get some of that food for it to. Its a 5G flat back octagon. It has a Penguin mini powerfilter, only 25watt of lighting though. The fish are a DominoDamsel and a HumBugDamsel-female. Thanks for all your help! Since this is my first salty, does it all sound oK?


Active Member
i'm sorry. i have to lol,
i though to myself" what i nice looking tank with everything that is in there".
ok, i'm done laughing now.
playtime is right.anemones are very hard to keep.
keep an eye on your water conditions.
good luck to you and also; wecome, :D


It will be fine , but I had the same invert. and it moved around and disturbed everything around it so you might want to consider that.