
Well, so far, so good. Everyone looks good.
Here is what I have learned about anemones.....NEVER think you know anything
. LOL, man, they are unpredictable.


yes they are!~
if you saved it this time round and it continues to do well keep it well feed. a dyed anemone wont have to much bacteria to help feed it so additional food supplments will be need silverside, mysis, shrimp anything meaty. it will start to change colors as it the dye effect goes away until its back to a normal state you are not out of the woods. even then as you are probably aware its a hit or miss with them.
good luck with it though and if you will keep the post updated for others to see what a dyed anemone looks like.


Active Member
Just for the record... anemones don't just die randomly, there are always reasons behind their death. I believe a lot of hobbiests do not provide the proper environment for then, and they when the anemone dies they chalk it up to a 'fickle' anemone. You need to buy a healthy specimine and provide a good environment for it.
They do not die 'just because' - there is always a reason.


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
yes they are!~
if you saved it this time round and it continues to do well keep it well feed. a dyed anemone wont have to much bacteria to help feed it so additional food supplments will be need silverside, mysis, shrimp anything meaty. it will start to change colors as it the dye effect goes away until its back to a normal state you are not out of the woods. even then as you are probably aware its a hit or miss with them.
good luck with it though and if you will keep the post updated for others to see what a dyed anemone looks like.
Thanks Mike,
Yeah, its a TRIP !!!! It is doing well, eating etc etc and I shall keep it nourished per your suggestions.
I recently put in a new return pump and the only thing going on it that it wont find a happy spot, (LOL, big shocker) . This one I know about.....a mind of their own. Kinda funny to see them just laying on the bed and not footed down.
Thanks for your input.


Originally Posted by blownz281
Any Updates?
Thank you for asking. Well, as I mentioned....they SO have a mind of their own. LOL. He was doing EXACTLY the same thing yesterday as in the pic, a glob of beige something coming out of his mouth. This time, I let him be. he deflated a little bit, now....he seems perfectly fine. I do think it has been all the time, him having a poop session. Then again, who knows. I just keep a daily eye on him and let him be.
I got a new return pump and he is having a hard time finding a happy spot. VERY challenging to just leave him alone, LOL. I know that is the best thing to do.
Thanks so much for asking. Shall post if something changes.


no prob
well sounds like he is okay,maybe he is trying to cure himself of the dye? no clue how they inject a anemone with color dye exactly..