Is it dying


My candy cane mushroom (well i'm not sure if that is really what it is, the lfs where I got it said that's what it was) and I can't find info on it. Anyway. it has been looking fine untill today. Now it has mucous like shreds coming from it. I thought it is dying, my husband says it is taking a "Healthy dump".... :help:
can anyone help my with this ?
I tried to get a good picture but it is hard to sometimes


Active Member
You candycane coral "Caulastera" ia actually a Mushroom coral- looks like a Rhodactis species. Sometimes they do shrivel up like that to expell excess zooanthellae, which is perfectly healthy- however, whem mushrooms are stressed or dying they will do the same but the strands are often white or clear. What are your water parameters? Lighting? and how long has it been like that? How long have you had it?


Active Member
you beat me to it. i wouldnt worry too much right now- they also look like that if they are injured. Mushrooms have wonderful regenerative properties.


Lighting 20 watt flourescent
20 watt actinic flourescent
2 60 watt ho
2 60 watt actinic
total 280 watts
I've had it about a month
thank you for the info