One Word.... Flaming!
and also, btw: about the #2 step, um, first off, these chemicals are medicines which are different than that of what the fish has to breath... one is a "cure" and the other is what it MUST have to survive... think before you post something ... "dumb"
to step #3:, yes it was a funny, and no im not ignorant... thank you.
after about 5 days to 2 weeks, depending on how well you want to make sure he is treated... I would recommend only 1 week (7 days ... duhLOL) on this product, and because he is in such a small area, he will begin to stress more and more and eventually die because he cannot swim and exercise, tangs are EXTREMLY energetic fish which need TONS of swimming space!
Notice I said, I would recommend only 1 week... on this product, and because he is in such a small area, he will begin to stress more and more and eventally die... so on and so forth... what I was referring to is: I said only 1 week because a 10 gallon aquarium is quit small... this had nothing to do with the amount of time... just only a week because of he is in such a small area.
to step #5: see first step 2.
So you are essentially recommending that this fish should have been treated by an inferred "natural" way by using a product that contains malachite green, formalin, causes cancer in humans and the fish may or may not die in 7 days duhLOL. Surely you are just messin with us and not serious.
No, I said natural way by not exposing them to fresh water, because once again, they are saltwater creatures, not freshwater creatures

I am not sure it causes cancer in fish because on the bottle it says, warning this product has been known to cause cancer in the state of california.... it says nothing about fish having cancer.. thats why I said I didnt know.
Yes I am serious about this, OH and also
Oh geez, just earlier today you weren't even sure what to do about your own fish illnesses...
If you read the thread you will notice I wasnt referring to ICH I was referring to the Kole Tangs Gills, which WERE inflamed due to lack of O2.... this had nothing to do with Ich.. just gills... do you understand now?
Geez, I wish some people would really think and read before they go and critize another persons method or thoughts of curring fish of medical problems. Please read and ask questions next time, and try not to "jump down someones throat" for their oppion.
Thank you for posting that just in case someone did think of these things.. this helped clear that post up...
Hope this helps everyone to better understand my method...
good luck to all and Merry Christmas