is it ick??


i just got a blue hippo and i just found a little white speck on him. I don't know if its ick - how do i tell?? i cant get a picture of it, first off the speck is too small, and he wont stop swimming


Staff member
Could be ich, and ich starts out small and grows as it engorges on the fish. You'll have to keep an eye out to see if it actually develops.
Hopefully, this fish is in a QT.


Active Member
i might be ich so quarantine if possible would be best.
a few times i thought my fish had it but it only turned out to be a speck of sand on them.


thanks! i don't have a QT. Well i have an old 10g tank that i used for FW about 15 years ago. whats the best what to clean that so i can use it for a QT?