is it just me???


Active Member
I hate to sound harsh, but, I honestly think about half the people on here don't even read directions on new pieces of equipment before they come on here and post questions about how to set it up.
9 out of 10 questions in this section could be answered in the directions. The others could more than likely be answered in the archives with a little effort to search them.
Don't take this wrong, I dont mind answering ?? with my limited knowledge. But the same ?? are on here everyday and it just seems like peeps are too lazy to look for answers on their own. If they are too impatient to search, then they are never gonna make it in this hobby.
Then you get the ones who ask, get the answers, and do just the opposite. If you are not going to listen, don't ask the question.
Sorry if I am pi$$ing anyone off, but I am sure I am not the only one who thinks this sometimes....


Active Member
Heh - you too ? I guess some people are just plain lazy to take the time to sit down and read the directions. Some are just plain want to get things done ASAP, slap it on , plug it in and watch it do ...... nothing !! No patience = no success.
What gets me wanting scream are those who want a Tang or Trigger in a 38G tank or multiple species of clownfish in the same tank or worse. People that don't bother to research are doomed to failure.


Active Member
it is not the noobs mainly, hell I am a newbie. But at least try to find the answer. I all else fails the directions.
My biggest peave though, is when someone asked about putting a naso tang in a nano cube. Nothing wrong in asking , if you dont know. But when 40 people say no way, and they do it anyway, I get torqued. Then they are back in a week with a thread titled naso died, can you help me???


Active Member
true i have asked pretty basic question, got answer and just didnt read it in the right text and just kept asking,
but i do see many of the same questions when you can have 2 or 3 people ask the same question in about 40min. instead of reading, i mean sh!t you dont even have to open the thread to atleast get a idea of where its going.
or the better yets, let me ask the same question in different forums.


Active Member
IMO most of the problem stems from the fact that this is the only hobby I have ever been involved with where it is consistently suggested that the complete novice go out and dump 2000 plus bucks into equipment, LR, LS and livestock that not that long ago would qualify that hobbyist for the advanced category.
The result? Confusion, stress, panic, buyers remorse, loss of livestock and money and several post to forms wanting to know what they have done wrong.
Most new hobbyist are eager to get started and have there credit card with them when they go to the LFS. A recipe for disaster!!
If you are a new hobbyist and are reading this my advice is to start simple. A twenty gallon long, a bag of dry sand, ten or twenty pounds of base rock, a hob filter, heater and standard light fixture. Learn to maintain this simple set up for at least a year. Yep your rookie season last a full year. If after that first year your interest level in the hobby is still high you will have accumulated enough knowledge to start advancing into more complicated systems such as reefs
With that said the same advice gos for the golf forum I visit. $3000 WORTH OF NEW CLUBS WILL NOT CURE YOUR SLICE.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Murph
If you are a new hobbyist and are reading this my advice is to start simple. A twenty gallon long, a bag of dry sand, ten or twenty pounds of base rock, a hob filter, heater and standard light fixture. Learn to maintain this simple set up for at least a year. Yep your rookie season last a full year. If after that first year your interest level in the hobby is still high you will have accumulated enough knowledge to start advancing into more complicated systems such as reefs

this is exactly what i did.

mr. green

Well, I will admit it, I AM A NOOB!!

Really, I have been looking into doing this for some time. I am going to purchase my Tank soon and go from there while I research and read, and then research and read some more. This board is really helpfull and I have about 15 pages of notes so far that I have taken as well as a huge list of bookmarks to posts, etc. Since it is expensive to do this right, what I mean is getting things started correctly, I am taking my time since I am now ready to finally do this. I am not going the local fish store route, but doing it on my own very slowly. Thanks for all your help here everyone!!


Active Member
Could be a lack of knowledge "how to search"
Other part would be lack of ability to read.
Although some of those questions are easy and would seem to be a no brainer, let's remember why we are here and try to help them out. Politely refer them to the "search" feature and tell them to come back and post again if they cannot find the answer.
Sometimes I feel like I should not even attampt to answer because it might come off wrong.
I simply move along and leave it. Barry


this happens on every message board out there. at least here you dont get hammered for asking (till now)

heck you post a newb question on my softball board you get your boys handed to you fast.
just realize some people are lazy and want to post.
Can you really blame the noobs on here.There is so much conflicting data out there.I would be confused if I started out today.
Granted some asked dumb ???


Active Member
there's TONS of opinions as to how to do things with this hobby. heck, my lfs yesterday actually was telling someone three different thoughts on some matter just to let the person make their own decision, and he's been in the hobby and in business for 15 years.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reeffreakgeek
Can you really blame the noobs on here.There is so much conflicting data out there.I would be confused if I started out today.
Granted some asked dumb ???
Agreed. When I started in December I didn't know where to begin and it took me a week or so of being on this forum before I got used to it's layout and find the archives. In their defense and mine, some people what the answer to their parameters or tank specifics. Some people don't know how to research, these are the ones who go to the store and find someone to show them where something is before looking for themselves. I still search the archives first before I post most of my questions.


I think alot of new people such as myself have questions about common situations, but don't read specific answers to "our" questions" Such as my last post on feather dusters, I read all the archives on placing them, but it was specific enough for me to find out how deep to burry them. But a person who has been answering questions for years, sees a post on feather dusters and thinks "sigh, another one." JMO, but this is a great board with lots of good people, keep up the good job.

jessi p

I ask a lot of Qs, but I do try the search feature first to read up so that I can ask an informed Q. Remember folks, the stupid Qs are the unasked ones...


I am new to this hobby and board. I read more then I post. But when I see post like this I just want to not read and not post a single question in fear that some of the more knowledgeable people will just rip the crap out of me. I do use the search button and sometimes that question is not anwsered. Just remember that the experinced ones were new at one time also have you guys forgot about that........Dont get me wrong this board is great.
I doubt that this will even get read, but those who are afraid to say something or are complaining, relax. It's the computer, you don't have to face anyone or get into it because it's the internet and the world is full of text messaging and chat rooms, we have become a bunch of spine-less jellyfish. So you can take an insult if you don't know what you're talking about.
To those pros who get annoyed with dummy questions, don't answer or read them. Some people won't take your advice, oh well. It's not your money. Yeah we feel bad when a fish dies because of ignorance, but there's only so much you can do over the internet.
I didn't figure out how to find all the answers to my questions on here right away, and a lot of times stuff may be old or more info. than I can sift thru pops up, so I just post a new thread and most people are more than helpful and you get plenty of fresh new opinions.