is it just me???

jessi p

Originally Posted by Myrtle Beach
we have become a bunch of spine-less jellyfish. So you can take an insult if you don't know what you're talking about.
I agree that as a group we need to grow thicker skins and take a moment to digest what we are reading before flying off the handle. We need to take into consideration we are only getting the words on a screen, not the rest of the nonverbal message that usually goes along with it. The actual words are only 20% of the message in an actual conversation in real life. The other 80% is pitch, tone, inflection, gestures, eye contact etc, stuff that just doesn't translate online.
We all make mistakes but we need to be able to say "I screwed up" and take some ownership of our mistakes How many of us actually do admit that? Stupid oughta hurt, imho.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jessi P
We all make mistakes but we need to be able to say "I screwed up" and take some ownership of our mistakes How many of us actually do admit that? Stupid oughta hurt, imho.

I thought I was wrong once..... but I was mistaken about that.


Ill have to admit I've asked some dumb questions, I think its more of people wanting to see if anyone has any short cuts that they've done.....just my two cents but I do agree that you can't make it in this hobby with just asking questions you must do extensive research


Ok I'm a newbie. My thank is not set up yet. This is the first time I ever post to a chat room or a message board, nothing ever peak my instrested until now. I'm trying to get as much info as i can. I do need help I know nothing but willing to learn. I don't put equipment to gether because its all a forgien language to me. So I'm paying someone to set up my tank. Maybe I'll ask a stupid ?? So let me apoligize in advance. So far everyone has been great, not only answered my question but others.


So far I think everyone on this board has been very nice to me and i'm sure i've asked some pretty silly questions but sometimes its hard to find answers with the search. Since yesterday i was looking for information about tek t5 lights to go on my 55 gallon. When you put that in though only lights and gallon are search the rest are to small so i needed up trying to search through 20 pages or so of lighting questions and most of the time couldn't find quite what i was looking for so i ended up just posting the question. I don't mind looking for things but sometimes like i said its just hard trying to find the right words to put in the search that will find the information you want.


Originally Posted by joncat24
I hate to sound harsh, but, I honestly think about half the people on here don't even read directions on new pieces of equipment before they come on here and post questions about how to set it up.
9 out of 10 questions in this section could be answered in the directions. The others could more than likely be answered in the archives with a little effort to search them.
Don't take this wrong, I dont mind answering ?? with my limited knowledge. But the same ?? are on here everyday and it just seems like peeps are too lazy to look for answers on their own. If they are too impatient to search, then they are never gonna make it in this hobby.
Then you get the ones who ask, get the answers, and do just the opposite. If you are not going to listen, don't ask the question.
Sorry if I am pi$$ing anyone off, but I am sure I am not the only one who thinks this sometimes....

If people cannot ask questions in a forum that is for "fish discussion, disease, etc." Then what the hell are the forums here for. Joncat you are volatile to everyone, so my advice is, if it bothers you so much to see all these "stupid" people, go elsewhere. Although you are a "steelworker" for a living, so you can't be the sharpest tool in the shed either. You post a lot to be a steelworker though.


Active Member
I could not count how many times I have said this, but I will say it again. The only stupid question in this hobby is the one that is not asked.
With that said, I am closing this thread because I do not want any single person to feel as if they are going to be criticized if they post a question. That is what the forums are here for. No one has to answer a post that they care not to answer. It is not hurting you any by seeing the same posts rehashed countless numbers of times. They are some people out there who are perfectly fine getting the information that they need through past posts, searches, archives, etc. However, there is nothing wrong with posting the same question. If you do not feel like answering the same question over and over, either do not answer or post the link to where they can read the answer.
This is what is done a countless number of times in the disease and treatment forums. Hundreds of people ask, "How do you treat ich" and it is simple just to post the link to Beth's FAQ and tell them that everything that they need to know is contained in that. Then, if they still do not understand something, they post questions and whoever wants to help them, does so.
Patience is a key factor in this hobby - not only with our own tank, but with the new hobbyist who really wants to get into it but needs a lot of help. For that reason, this message board is here to help people with whatever they may need.
Jon, in no way is this post of mine directed at you. Your first post is a very common argument, so I do not hold any anger toward you whatsoever.


Active Member
If I may just add:
ANYONE with ANY question who has come here to ASK is doing far more than many many many others are doing

ASKING a question is a form of research and no one should be criticized for doing so, even if it is "can I use table salt" (which has been asked).
You are helping to create educated, like minded, research crazy hobbyists
Your answer could be to educate them about the "great" search function, or the archives. But people should always feel comfortable to ask...
BTW, we have all had "those" kinda days, where you get an answer and thing "duh, why didn't I see that?" Don't cast too many stones :)