is it just me....


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Actually no one would know gender, age, race, or nationality if the poster doesn't divulge it. Which is actually kinda cool 'cause it keeps any kind of bigotries out of the equation.
I didn't say anything about knowing who is what gender. I was giving her a light hearted point of view
I bet your MALE


Active Member
Originally Posted by bbailey231
I didn't say anything about knowing who is what gender. I was giving her a light hearted point of view
I bet your MALE

Don't get so sensetive.
What gave it away? My insensitive, chauvanistic manner?

edit: Actually it's probably my inability to spell.


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Don't get so sensetive.
What gave it away? My insensitive, chauvanistic manner?

edit: Actually it's probably my inability to spell.

hrmmmm ALL OF IT!


Originally Posted by saltn00b
perhaps it was the quagmire avatar! GIGGIDY GIGGIDY GIGGIDY!

Now where is the "woman" who started this?


Originally Posted by bbailey231

Now where is the "woman" who started this?

Im back from the store,,,reading the post's and guys are nuts! your making me feel at home now.
thank you ..... you have all made a HUGE difference today, for me anyway.
I was able to get a heater, and a magnet cleaner for the tank..but they didn't have a power head.....dangit! not sure what im going to do about it yet...but I'll figure it out....Im thinking maybe the one in my nano cube will have to do, I have to put something in the tote to keep the water moving around the LR.....somehow will have to make it work.
uh...yea...the whole "corvette/midlife crisis" thing would be great,,,,if it werent for these darn anxieties I get "caused by drivers in RI".....I dont drive, soooooooooooo the SWT will have to be my midlife fix.....for now.....till I find something WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more expensive.....somehow just reading these boards, I think this hobby will be more expensive than any car would be

Im going to have my tea, and read the post's for a little bit...then its off to do the laundry...clothes are completly "overrated!"
(to those of us who have the job of cleaning them....GRrrrr.
thanks again :)


Active Member
Hi Lori glad to see you are feeling a bit better! Don't sweat the 42 thing. I will be there right with you. 42 in about 3 weeks. No biggie! Yes the SW tank will be a good fix for a stay at homer. I do it myself and wouldn't trade it for the world.
BTW folding clothes and surfing the boards is KEY!
And you won't find anything more expensive!
Chin up!


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
I cant believe how many people are from RI on this site. I think you make 3 that I know of..
2 dozen more and we'll have the whole State.


Active Member
haha. i feel that way about people from CT, but i recently joined a reef club and found out theres TONS of people in CT that have salt tanks, but for some reason there's only about 5-6 who frequent this site.


thank you, all of you.....
You guys are nuts

"you'll have the whole state...LOL"
I wish! there were only 2 doz people living in this state...hey, then maybe I could drive and not have an anxiety attack!
after growing up in cow/corn country in PA and coming to this place....UGH. what a change, but I met my husband here, and I love him, and he makes it all worth it :smile:
So I'll stay.


yea,,,,been there ...TRIED that....he grew up here, all of his family is here....he wont go/stay anywhere else.....
we rented a HUGE truck when the kids were babies, and moved to PA...with all of our things in tow, stayed "ONE" night, and I mean "ONE" night and were back on the road home to I give up.. LOL
Not going to happen.

thats ok though, one day I want to move where it NEVER EVER SNOWS!! and he knows it....maybe when were really old, and we cant enjoy it


ric maniac

Active Member
dont feel like that lol. these forums are slow as hell in the summer because we are outside more and on vacation. you will see a huge change when people go back to school and are inside during the cold times.
i felt the exact same way when i first joined. i was like "what on earth did i do to make people mad or ignore me!??!" but i got over it lol. just dont get mad or make people mad and you should be good. my motto is "if everyone tried to fit in, we would all be the same."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dreamer44
Im back from the store,,,reading the post's and guys are nuts! your making me feel at home now.
thank you ..... you have all made a HUGE difference today, for me anyway.
I was able to get a heater, and a magnet cleaner for the tank..but they didn't have a power head.....dangit! not sure what im going to do about it yet...but I'll figure it out....Im thinking maybe the one in my nano cube will have to do, I have to put something in the tote to keep the water moving around the LR.....somehow will have to make it work.
uh...yea...the whole "corvette/midlife crisis" thing would be great,,,,if it werent for these darn anxieties I get "caused by drivers in RI".....I dont drive, soooooooooooo the SWT will have to be my midlife fix.....for now.....till I find something WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more expensive.....somehow just reading these boards, I think this hobby will be more expensive than any car would be

Im going to have my tea, and read the post's for a little bit...then its off to do the laundry...clothes are completly "overrated!"
(to those of us who have the job of cleaning them....GRrrrr.
thanks again :)
42...I know how you feel...I will be 25 on Monday

What kind of PH were you going to get...I might have an extra I can mail to ya...Corvettes are overrated...Think about it...Go big or go home...Get a Lambo or better yet...A Rolls....There it is..


Active Member
Originally Posted by ric maniac
dont feel like that lol. these forums are slow as hell in the summer because we are outside more and on vacation. you will see a huge change when people go back to school and are inside during the cold times.
i felt the exact same way when i first joined. i was like "what on earth did i do to make people mad or ignore me!??!" but i got over it lol. just dont get mad or make people mad and you should be good. my motto is "if everyone tried to fit in, we would all be the same."

ehh, we still don't like you :p