I just want to ask a question about survival of shipments of Red crabs, and turbo snails. It could be it's just me. I find that I order a bunch, take me time and follow the instructions on acculamation, but I still loose about 10% in the first few days after I get a new batch. I hate this, I don't alway find them fast and I'm really having problems with algae anyway.
Is it just me or does this happen to most people. I usually have better luck with fish.
Just wondering. I tested my water, all is fine and I'm still doing water changes ever two days or so due to a past phosphate problem.
Thanks inadvance to anyone who takes the time to give imput.
Is it just me or does this happen to most people. I usually have better luck with fish.
Just wondering. I tested my water, all is fine and I'm still doing water changes ever two days or so due to a past phosphate problem.
Thanks inadvance to anyone who takes the time to give imput.