Is it me?


Hello all, first I want to say I dont even have my tank up yet and Im already hooked! I have learned so much just by reading what you guys/gals have to say. Thanks....
My question is, I plan a 90g and Ive noticed some/most fish seem very skiddish in the lfs, what are some types that are more on the side of out going,that will come right up to the glass and follow you around as you walk past or are they all just frightened in the lfs and once home they tend to relax?


Active Member
night and day for most fish when at the Store and in a home where they can spread out a bit. Puffers are notorious for following you around the room. They watch YOU most times


Well-Known Member
Fish at the lfs are under tremendous stress - that they eat and swim at all is a minor miracle! When I am considering a specimen I will stand back from the tank and watch it for an extended time (sometimes up to an hour), and will visit the fish more than once. I ask to see it eat, examine its body and fins, and watch it interact with other fish if there are any in the tank. That is no guarantee of what will happen at home, but it is a start. Most fish are nervous at the lfs, and will be the same at home for a while. The worst I have had was a harlequin tusk that spent almost 3 weeks hiding in the rocks. Now he is the most outgoing fish in my tank, so you can't tell by first impressions.
clowns are good. My klein's butterfly has opened up. Yellow watchman goby hides a lot, but comes out to eat. cleaner shrimp has a lot of personality. Follow advice about watching them from away from the tank or when there is nobody around. If four little screaming kids are in the store or banging on the glass and the fish still comes out then buy it! Triggers aren't afraid of much either. Make sure you understand compatability, triggers and puffers will kill shrimp, clams, smaller fish, etc.