is it normal for them to lay on side?


Is it normal for the clowns to lay on their side? Are they resting? The mornings and nights are the only time that they ever do this.


Active Member
I had a wrasse that used to sleep on it's side, or upside down under a rock. My clowns usually sleep behind the filter but if they are acting fine the rest of the time it's probably okay.


One of mine lays on his side when he hosting the Toadstool Coral. He looks like he is laying in a bed. It is really cute! :joy:


Active Member
Both of mine lay on their sides when they are playing in the flow of my filter or when they are getting ready for bed (behind the filter)


Active Member
it not a completely normal behavior to lay one their sides, but if they are only doing this at rest time and up and about during normal day hrs i would not worry about it.if they start doing it during normal day hrs then it would be more of a concern as to why.sometimes we have to remember what normal is to a fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by NATHANRR
Do you have a anemone?
NO. I thought they didn't need one. I have a green hairy mushroom that I bought hoping they would take to it. I am trying to find a decent price frogspawn for them. Hoping they will take to that. I think they are getting ready to "mate". They stay up behind my filter alot. When I go and look they are either swimming behind the filter or the female is on her side swimming.
Here are some pictures. They are hard to get to because they are in the back.



Originally Posted by NATHANRR
Do you have a anemone?
No, I have a toadstool, but it's not opening. It was the only one at the store that had fell over and it was the cheapest. I think I'm going to need a new lighting system.


Well what kind of lights do you have?
{Very important if you are thinking anemone.}
Yes it True you don't NEED a anemone for your clown[strike] to live, But
it may be a good idea. I have Green Carpet Anemone and 2 MH with the "cool
blue lights". And I found out that he (my GCA) don't like very high lighting....
so I keep my MH's on with my blue light's on one day, then I just leave the
blue lights on the next 3 days and I found out he like's it a lot! [and so dose my clarke]
ANYWAY.... a anemone might be a good idea![/strike]


Active Member
I have been thinking of getting a torch or frogspawn for them. Will that work? Hopefully they would take to it. I have heard they may or may not. Right now they like it behind my filter - which I can't stand. I can't see them unless it is feeding time.


Don't be so worried, most clowns hide behind the fillter.......BUT
you might want to look for aggression!


Active Member
There is no aggression that I have seen. The female is larger than anything in my tank...LOL
I am going today to get a BTA so hopefully that will help them out some.


I'm sorry, what is a BTA? I'm not so good on
the online "liggo". But if it a anemone i'm sher
thy will like it.<!!!Be carful the female might
become the Queen of the anemone and might
become aggressive.!!!>(that's a good thing
if you are going to bred them.)


Originally Posted by milomlo
I have been thinking of getting a torch or frogspawn for them. Will that work? Hopefully they would take to it. I have heard they may or may not. Right now they like it behind my filter - which I can't stand. I can't see them unless it is feeding time.
I don't know if you remember but at VT that used to have a huge toadstool in one of their display tanks that their percs called home until they sold it. That is where I got my percs and toadstool. BTW they everything in the tank is doing fine.


nathan... You said that you found out the Green Carpets dont need alot of light. Where did you hear this, everything that i have heard and read said that they are one of the more light craving anemones. Just wondering because i have one as well.


Originally Posted by Ryan115
nathan... You said that you found out the Green Carpets dont need alot of light. Where did you hear this, everything that i have heard and read said that they are one of the more light craving anemones. Just wondering because i have one as well.
Hay That very cool, I love GCA's!
Do you have MH? I do, I have two of them and the blue lights.
(Big bill coming in the mail) It dose't SEEM that he like's it very much light
(well at lest not both of my MH) becuse he trun's brown. :notsure: Maybe
becuse of to much UV light :notsure: Not sure. Well any way I trun one on
at a time, and do that evry two day's. I THINK he like it {technically no-one
can be 100% sure.} How long do you trun your light's on? Hope I can help.
Iodine help's with UV light. (I add It in evry two-three day's.)


to filter out the UV i put a layer of Lexan below the bulb to protect the tank. Lexan works as a UV filter, but the halides are on for about 9 hours a day