Is it normal to get...

Well recently I have been seeing a lot of baby little Brittle Star Fish, some the size of a dime (that is including their little arms) and other the size of about a quarter. Where did they come from? Last time I counted I counted 26 of them, and those were the ones that were viewable on the faces of rock, and on the glass. The only other starfish I have is a Sand Sifting and I am sure these little boogers didn't come from him/her.
So what I want to know is, is this normal? Are the little boogers hurting anything? Will they grow to be full grown? And how long does that take?
Thank you in advance


Active Member
If you are only so lucky they will grow full size. They will stay small like that. Count yourself lucky you have a great infrastructure to clean your tank up with. How big was your tank? I personally would get rid of the sand sifting star. They usually eat themselves to death not to mention destroy any life in the sand aside from itself. If you want something to sift the sand go with cerith and nassarius snails. Both dig and will allow the sand critters to thrive.


This is totally normal, I have a whole bunch that hitchhiked on my lr. They are not harmfull to anything. What else do you have in your tank, someone could be harmfull to them. I know they were free, but I've grown really attached to mine.
I have a 75 Gallon Tall (yeah yeah tall is ugly but cant beat a 75 gallon free tanks and stand), with 70+ Lbs of LR, a little dottyback from hell, and a good old Porky Puffer ( I love that little guy, well not so little anymore). Oh, also I have 80 Lbs of LS with the sand sifting starfish.
As for the Starfish (the sand sifting) he doesnt seem to be eating himself to death (Have had him for 6 months) and I still have a bunch of life in the sand (as much as I can see). I have tube worm galore and damn I sure hope those brittle stars grow nice and big.
I have been seeing their growth and even that has impressed me immensly.
Glad it is common, or a good sign. :)
No it most definitly does not look like one of those.. but that does answer my questions about 2 of those retarded looking stars I had in my tank.
The ones I am speaking of actually look like Brittle Stars. They have the little tiny centers and long legs that look somewhat barbed, they are definatly Brittle stars.. but why so many? And what are the chances of them gorwing big. ?