hello, thanks for all the replies...I guess I should have been a little more detailed about my setup..
I have a 5-6 week old 38 gallon w/ some base rock, LR, and LS / regular sand mix..
I have 2 powerhead (maxi-jet 400 and maxi-jet 900), Emperor 400 filter, and I just placed a BakPak 2R on the aquarium Friday.
Saturday I added my first livestock to the tank. I bought 8 red legged hermit crabs and 10 turbo snails (I plan on beefing those numbers up this week) and also one brittle star.
Yesterday I noticed all these bubbles being trapped by a film on top of the water. My skimmer is releasing a small steady stream of bubbles from the return pipe and I think that is where the majority of them are cooming from.