is it normal to have a film on the surface with a lot of bubbles also??


New Member
My cpr bak pak 2 has a surface skimmer that keeps it nice and clean, i think you can buy one to fit others to.


Active Member

Originally posted by chitownfsh
My cpr bak pak 2 has a surface skimmer that keeps it nice and clean, i think you can buy one to fit others to.

Getting a surface skimmer is key. As stated, it will keep the surface generally free of this film.
Another option is to aim a powerhead at the surface so that it agitates the water more at the top. This will create a better gas exchange as well.
As for the bubbles. Where are they coming from? These are what is contributing to your film issue. If you can stop the bubbles, you will reduce the film.
As a last resort you can turn off all your pumps and powerheads and then very briefly lay a clean paper towel on the surface. It will absorb a great deal of the film, but it will eventually return.


Active Member

Originally posted by david8
My water surface has a film that is trapping a ton of this ok???

Do you use an overflow?


hello, thanks for all the replies...I guess I should have been a little more detailed about my setup..
I have a 5-6 week old 38 gallon w/ some base rock, LR, and LS / regular sand mix..
I have 2 powerhead (maxi-jet 400 and maxi-jet 900), Emperor 400 filter, and I just placed a BakPak 2R on the aquarium Friday.
Saturday I added my first livestock to the tank. I bought 8 red legged hermit crabs and 10 turbo snails (I plan on beefing those numbers up this week) and also one brittle star.
Yesterday I noticed all these bubbles being trapped by a film on top of the water. My skimmer is releasing a small steady stream of bubbles from the return pipe and I think that is where the majority of them are cooming from.


I have ordered a maxi-jet 1200 to use with my BakPak 2R but I was told the pre-skimmer will not work with a maxi-jet..any other suggestions about how I should go about this? I would like to upgrade pumps but it sounds like I definitely need the pre-skimmer. please help!!!!!


cancled order for maxi-jet 1200..I'm probably going to stick with the Rio 600 and get the combo box for the BakPak 2R..
thanks for everyones input!


Give it a week or so with the skimmer. I swear most my bubles and film started when I got my skimmer. But it's gone now. I'm running a setup close to yours too. I've got a 37gal. The emperor 280, a maxijet 900, and a 400 I can't remember brand. an AquaC Remora pro with the maxi 1200. LS/LR. After a week of running the skimmer my bubbles/film went away, and my hair algea is dieing off like mad.
Thanks for those who recommended the skimmer!