Is it ok for a Porcupine Puffer to eat Goldfish?


I dont think it will hurt it at all, but it has none of the nutrients that the puffer needs and if continuously feed only that it will most likely die from malnutrition. Will it not eat anything but live foods. My porupine puffer loves frozen krill or silversides.


I want one and Im doing research on them before i dedicate its life to my responsibility. What is the best thing to feed one?


Do not feed freshwater fish to saltwater fish , it will make them sick. I believe it gives them like fatty liver disease which eventually keeps them from being able to digest any food. Not sure about that but you definitely shouldnt feed freshwater fish.


They realy are not picky in what they eat. Mine eats prepared frozen marine fish food, krill. silversides, squid, and plankton. He is very healthy and growing quickly. If it does not eat right away its ok, it took mine a few days to eat. I had to feed it blood worms because it was the only thing it would go after, but after that he would eat anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by t11t5
Is it ok for a Porcupine Puffer to eat Goldfish?
Definitely save yourself trouble and DO NOT buy a puffer or any other predator that is only eating these fish. If it is the practice of your LFS to feed them this, I would look for a new store.


why not buy a puffer they are like the coolest most social fish, and my porcupine puffer loves krill. feeding them goldfish is okay once and awhile but if your goin to spend the money on feeder fish just buy frozen food.

william c

They Say Itsnot Good To Feed Fresh Water Fish To Salt Water Fish ,but I Have A Lion Fish That Is 5 Years Old And I Had Him Since He Was 3 Iches Now He's The Size Of A Basketball And Healthy As A Horse But I Do Also Feed Him Krill Or Shrimp But Mainly Feeders

my way

Active Member
Why would you want to feed it goldfish in the first place? Porky's are pretty easy to get to eat anything meaty, Shrimp, mussels, clams, krill, silversides etc. these are all good for it so why feed it something bad for it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
Why would you want to feed it goldfish in the first place? Porky's are pretty easy to get to eat anything meaty, Shrimp, mussels, clams, krill, silversides etc. these are all good for it so why feed it something bad for it?
Unfortunately, IMO, there are people who quite enjoy watching fish eat other fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by t11t5
Is it ok for a Porcupine Puffer to eat Goldfish?
Not really, because most feeder goldfish aren't that healthy to begin with and you don't know what they can pass onto your puffer. One at lfs eats frozen krill or prawn like its goin outta style. Also, have heard of the liver disease...they end up starving to death


Active Member
If you've ever looked at a tank of feeder goldfish...
They are not typically the pictures of health. Why you would risk a nice saltwater fish by feeding it diseased .10 cent feeders (and when was the last time you saw an asian freshwater carp in the ocean anyway?)


Active Member

Originally Posted by ophiura
If you've ever looked
at a tank of feeder goldfish...
They are not typically the pictures of health. Why you would risk a nice saltwater fish by feeding it diseased .10 cent feeders (and when was the last time you saw an asian freshwater carp in the ocean anyway?)
LOL. Yea, we lose about a dozen a day...they are gross fish. I don't know y ne one would feed live if the fish didnt only eat live. I recently got a 5inch volitan lion to frozen krill n prawn. I was a proud momma when i could tap on the trim of the tank and hand feed (w/ tongs). Needless to say, he went quickly b/c he ate frozen


Active Member
I think everyone pretty much covered this topic well. The simple answer is don't do it.
Because you said you were not sure, I wanted to reinforce that you were indeed correct. Freshwater FISH (not inverts like ghost shrimp) cause a disease known as fatty liver disease because the fat content in freshwater fish is 5 times higher than in the natural diet of saltwater fish. After time, like you said, they will not be able to digest foods and absorb nutrients into their body.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sufunk
Do not feed freshwater fish to saltwater fish , it will make them sick. I believe it gives them like fatty liver disease which eventually keeps them from being able to digest any food. Not sure about that but you definitely shouldnt feed freshwater fish.
I think everyone pretty much covered this topic well. The simple answer is don't do it.
Because you said you were not sure, I wanted to reinforce that you were indeed correct. Freshwater FISH (not inverts like ghost shrimp) cause a disease known as fatty liver disease because the fat content in freshwater fish is 5 times higher than in the natural diet of saltwater fish. After time, like you said, they will not be able to digest foods and absorb nutrients into their body.
I also wanted to add that I do not even condone or recommend an occasioanal feeder fish as a "treat". After a while, your fish will grow accustom to the fact that you give him "occassional treats" and he may stop eating the healthy food. I have seen this first hand, so this is just another reason not to do it. I am not saying they will always stop eating prepared foods, but the possibility is there.


0I want to thank everyonefor your answers. This will help me out so much. One last question. Where do I buy good frozen silversides and krill and things like that. Not to many LFS have these items. My zip is 44266 if anyone is close and knows. Thanks7


Active Member
Originally Posted by t11t5
0I want to thank everyonefor your answers. This will help me out so much. One last question. Where do I buy good frozen silversides and krill and things like that. Not to many LFS have these items. My zip is 44266 if anyone is close and knows. Thanks7
If your lfs doesn't normally carry them in stock, you can prolly have them special order them for you. I know where i work we carry pretty much everything you'd need thats frozen to feed ur fish. Ask the lfs near you if they can order them for you.