Is it ok to add these to my tank??


I really want to add a Midas Blenny & a Coral Beauty.Along w/2 fighting conches and some snails.But, in order to make this cost effective I have to order it all at once.
I will not add anything else and my levels have not fluctuated in well over 6 months.My only loss was my unfortunate mandarin who lept out:(
Thumbs up or down?


Active Member
I think those would make great additions and your system is stable enough to allow that much increase in bioload. You could help by lightly feeding for a few days to make sure you don't spike your system too much.
Good Luck!


Active Member
sounds good to me just beware of the coral beauty cause they can nip at corals. Keep him well fed and it shouldnt be a problem. I have one in my reeftank that doesnt bother the corals but it is hit or miss with angels.


I would be adding the conches for clean up w/my dsb,I'm just not happy w/the way it looks.Why, do think it's not a good idea?
Thanks everyone for helping.


Active Member
well, actually adding that much at once is not too bad of an idea, since you are only adding 2 smaller fish. The conchs and snails should not affect your bioload enough to worry about. jsut the fishes.
I think conchs are a great idea.


New Member
I think this a classic case of $$ versus aquarium capacity.Yes it would be possible for you to add all these inhabitants,but I hope your willing to spend the extra time & money because of the stress this would put on a55gl.Remember this is a closed enviroment & it would much better to make these additions gradually.Sounds like you have a beautiful set-up & I'd hate to see disaster be-fall you
Balls in your court,


New Member
What I meant was, I've always been a firm believer in adding species gradually.You may save a few $$ on the package deal,but if your levels spike you may have to spend more correcting the problem.I have no doubt that your set-up could handle the population,but in my opinion slow increase & patience have always worked best for me.
Hope in works out whatever you decide.


Active Member
I agree with fshub, I think you will be fine. FYI my coral beauty loves nori algae strips and it hasn't messed with any of my corals. I've had her about 8 months. The conchs are great for the sand bed. I have two. They keep the top sand looking good.:)


Active Member
ading snails and conchs, unlike fish, will not affect the bio load or stress, ONLY fish needs to be considered here. Inverts are another story.


Usually i would say one fish at a time, but this is a different story. If the only way you could get these fish is to order them at once i say go for it. The blenny is not going to put a big strain on the bio load and the coral beauty would make a fine addition. Just make sure your tank has been cycled for about 6 months before adding the angel, they need tanks that are very stable. I agree with what was said about the corals and to watch the angel closely so as he doesn't pick the corals apart. Good luck and let us know how they do.