Is it OK to start cycling??


I have a 55 gallon tank and i have put 60 pounds of live sand in and i was wondering if i could start the cycle process after i put my RO water in...... but i dont have a skimmer and live rock in there i was hoping i could start cycling my water without a skimmer and live rock??


Active Member
You can go ahead and start your cycle without a skimmer or LR. If you start your cycle without LR in your tank you will need to wait to put it in. If the LR is not fully cured when you put it in it will cause you tank to go through a cycle whether it is still cycling, finished cycling or not started to cycle.
If your LR is fully cured than I would wait until your tank has finished cycling to buy it and put it in.
Any LR you buy online or through the mail will need to be cured before you add it to your tank. All LR will have die off during the shipping process.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rutz15
I have a 55 gallon tank and i have put 60 pounds of live sand in and i was wondering if i could start the cycle process after i put my RO water inRutz
Is your ls sitting in your tank not covered by water?


no no its covered but i didnt know if i had to wait to add salt until i had LR in there also but my sand is def covered


Active Member
All living things in a saltwater tank need salt to live including LS and LR. Mix up some saltwater batches and fill your tank. Add water slowly to reduce the sandstorm in your tank. You will also need to turn on your heater and filter once tank is full.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rutz15
i just bought the sand like 30 minutes ago so i should be ok

Remember me?
congrats rutz ur ahead of my 2nd 29 gallon. :cheer: :jumping: :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rutz15
i just bought the sand like 30 minutes ago so i should be ok
It's fine as long as you didn't put RO water in there already without salt!!! You should premix your water especially since you already have LS within the tank!!! :happyfish