is it ok to....?

is it ok to have a phosban reactor hanging off the back of the tank pouring directly into it. i have a sump but, i cant use it yet till i get a new custom stand cuz its a hassle to work in it. thanks guys and gals
im thinking bout moving the protein skimmer out because its not working to well for me and later when i get the stand itll go into my sump. so is it ok if i just take it out for now?


New Member
That's how mine is set up. Works great. Just be careful when staring uo with new media to let it flush into a bucket and not into the tank.
yeah that was my main concern. i know when you put in new media it comes out all brown. lol. would it be fine to have it run in freshwater say 5 to 10 minutes because i do not wanna waste salt for something so quick?


New Member
I don't think that would be a problem, but don't know for sure. I would assume if you're using RO/DI water it would be a problem. I wouldn't use just regular tap water - that'll spend a bit of the media.
I doesn't take much water. Each time I've done it, it's only filled up a pitcher.
i think i will do that. well i have a gallon of bottled water and distilled. i think i will use the distilled to just run the media a bit