
i got this frag a week ago. it was bright red when i got it. it bleached in less than an hour in my tank. it is a red candy cap. the place i got it said put it on the bottom and cut the lights in half for a week. i have done this a now it looks brown what can i do.



I don't know. Sorry man. Not good with corals yet. My assumption would be you have very limted choices. What those choices are... I don't know Im just real bored and wanted to say I don't know.
Who Knows


I temp accl. it and i got it online. It is one of the 30 day arive alive stay alive corals. So i could get it replaced. But i really would like to not have to do that. And i have tex t-5 4 by 54 on a 55 gallon tank.


Well... the lighting should be enough...What's your salinity at..I personally would have also drip acclimated it- I've just got in the habit of doing that for all new additions, makes the transition easier...I'm not sure there is a lot you can do for it at this point..wait and watch.


Active Member
IMO if you still have the 30 day warrenty i would move it up higer like mid to high and out the lights on to like 3/4 of the old time. let us know what happens


Active Member
Whats your Calc, Mag, and Alk levels at?
If those are too low, it may start having tissue damage. Research RTN too, if the coral is stressed from the shock of acclimating, you could have tissue necrosis.


Well i moved it up. the reason i didn't drip acc. it is because it was droped of by fed-ex the day before i thought it was coming and i didn't have time. My cal. level holds pretty steady at 450 with the tropic moran salt. And i don't have a test for mag. It was so pretty bright red when i got it.will post new pics of it tonight after it has been up in the light a little longer. I can see a change already but not sure if it is for better or worse.