is it ok


to put the salt water down the sink....its way to cold to throw it outside....if it is ok is there anyway i should do it for ex water running or add something?


Active Member
Depends on where your drains go. If you have a personal septic sytem I would not use it. If you are in the city I would use it. That is just me, some others may have different oppinions.


Active Member
Depends on how much and where its going. If you are connected to city or town sewers then IMO its fine. If you have septic then there are a few hazards to be aware of. First is typically septic systems are made of concrete and salt eats concrete. Small quanties of salt water prob wont harm much, but long term you may have issues. And your leach field will suffer die off as salt kills everything so if there is grass or what ever growing above it will prob die.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CircesMagic
for pipes in house then? i do 40 gallon water changes..

PVC or Cast pipes.. I would say theres no issue. The water doesnt sit long enough in them to create problems.