Is it okay to put a DSB in the sump?


I was wanting to do this because I want more space in my 90 gallon. I was just wondering if there is a problem with doing this. Thanks


Since my sump will probably be around 40 gallons( is this okay?), the amount of volume that the DSB has will be significantly less than if I put it in the upper tank. Will the decrease in volume decrease the benifit of a DSB?


Active Member
Sure, it won't be as effective, but the truth is that with a fuge with a DSB and lots of macroalgaes will likely take care of your nitrate problems. If not, upgrade the fuge :)


If the number of inches in the DSB is higher, does that allow more denitrification to take place? If this is true, then I assume it would be best to get a DSB of 5-6 inches in the sump for the best usage of the DSB.


Active Member
I can't recall what the usual depth is, but more depth does not help. You're going to get a zone in the sand bed where nitrate is converted to nitrogen gas. If you make a sand bed much deeper, you're simply moving this zone further from the bottom of the tank.