Is it possible to clean live sand?


New Member
My sand looks terrible so I was wondering if I could clean it.If so how?
Or do I have to replace it?


what do you mena by looks terrible?? Lots of brown stuff on it? What are you using as a cleanup crew? I wouldnt try to replace it.. remember the sand works as a biological filter so removing and replacing it will cause all kinds of trouble


New Member
Within the sand it is dark brown. The dark brown is on top of the sand. It is like a brown dusk on the sand. Can I vacuum it up? Is there a type of fish or invert that will clean it up for me?
My cleaning crew consists of: about 12 hermit crabs; 2 turbo snails; 15 'beach' snails. (58 gallon tank)
Could it be my mechanical filtration system? I have a rena canister filter and one power head and a cyclone 150 skimmer.


Active Member
It can be a number of things causing it and a number of things you (and "critters") can do to clean it up...
Mostly depends on your view of or goal for "Live" sand..
Here's a C&P from the reef forum...

The idea is to set up your tank and sandbed so that it is self cleaning, with the help of sand fauna [critters].


I do have plenty of critters, it just seems like some other tanks look more crisp looking, so to speak!!!

Well then you need to get those little tiny "ball and chain" sets and put them in a chain gang and then get an itty bitty whip to crack over their heads...Or perhaps purchase or import other "slave" labor to clean your sand...
Then you can stand over them like Pharaoh did and yell "Clean my sand" "Build my Micro cosmic Empire"....
Or...You can get in there and clean it yourself...
On my reef I run BB (no sand) and "command" large ammounts of flow to keep detrius suspended where skimmer and filtration can take it out..What little remains is easily siphoned out from the "visiable" corners it's been "directed" to..Both tanks run a LARGE Fuge with Macros which are "harvested" regularly for mal-nutrient export...
On my FOWLR, I keep Aggressive fish..and they tend to "eat" my (sacrificial) clean up crews...But the shallow sand is nice for asthetic purposes and a few "bottom dwelling" creatures..
So again, good flow keeps most detrius suspended, good oxygenation keeps cyno from appearing, RO/DI keeps Diatoms at bay, and a "bubble vac" sucks out the little bit of uneaten food and junk that tends to settle out...and that's really the only "work" that I do...
My sand bed "may" be dead...But it looks good to me...
PS...I have numerous Mini Feather Dusters growing in my sand as well as Bristle worms and pods crawling under and around the rocks...In a 210 gallon tank I have 1 Hermit crab and 1 Turbo Snail..Both the size of golf balls...Anything smaller is an "empty shell" of it's former self...:D
NOTE: I am not recommending "Vacuuming" sand beds on a regular basis to make up for insufficient flow and under sized Skimmers and Filtration...:nope:



Originally posted by rgv
Within the sand it is dark brown. The dark brown is on top of the sand. It is like a brown dusk on the sand. Can I vacuum it up? Is there a type of fish or invert that will clean it up for me?
My cleaning crew consists of: about 12 hermit crabs; 2 turbo snails; 15 'beach' snails. (58 gallon tank)
Could it be my mechanical filtration system? I have a rena canister filter and one power head and a cyclone 150 skimmer.

My best sand cleaner by far is my Fighting Conch snail.


On my FOWLR, I keep Aggressive fish..and they tend to "eat" my (sacrificial) clean up crews...But the shallow sand is nice for asthetic purposes and a few "bottom dwelling" creatures..
How deep is your sand bed...I have the same setup and I have about 1/2" of sand...
And whats a "bubble vac" ?


Active Member
Sand is shallow..1" maybe 1 1/2" in spots, 1/2" in get's moved around a little by the fish and flow...I put it back...
Will post pic of "bubble vac" when I get home from work tonight...
Basicly a "pair" of tubes with a portable air pump...
Air goes down one tube and backup the other, creating a "gentle" lifting suction through venturi effect...where debris is deposited in a mesh bag...
Will pick up loose and "semi-floating" detrius, algae, food particles..and NOT suck sand like a siphon would...
NOTE: I am not recommending "Vacuuming" sand beds on a regular basis to make up for insufficient flow and under sized Skimmers and Filtration...:nope:


Active Member
This is the "Bubble Vac" you should be able to purchase them from a "well" stocked LFS and I know you can order them on-line...I think I paid $8.79...
You can hook it up to an air pump but I have mine on a battery "backup" air pump to make it much more portable...
Basicly a "pair" of tubes with a portable air pump...
Air goes down one tube and backup the other, creating a "gentle" lifting suction through venturi effect...where debris is deposited in a mesh bag...
Will pick up loose and "semi-floating" detrius, algae, food particles..and NOT suck sand like a siphon would...
I think the key word here is "gentle" won't pick up rocks or shells or suck sand like a siphon would..just the "loose" junk on the bottom or in the water column..
NOTE: I am not recommending "Vacuuming" sand beds on a regular basis to make up for insufficient flow and under sized Skimmers and Filtration...:nope:


I'm gonna have to look into one fo those. I, too, have problems with detritus on my sand. That looks like it might just fit the bill.
Does it do a good job of picking stuff up?


Well, I only have (1) emerald crab in my 75. I had a major hair problem and I got 4 mex turbo snails. They are the best thing I ever got.
I am also battling a cryano (cyanobacteria). I put some acrylic tops over 50% of the top. My tank was open and the cranyo started when I put the tops back on. Took them off last night and 75% of the cryano is gone! Too much CO2.
Here is a good link that I have bookmarked.
Oh, my DSB is about 5.5" deep.


Active Member

Originally posted by phipps
I'm gonna have to look into one fo those. I, too, have problems with detritus on my sand. That looks like it might just fit the bill.
Does it do a good job of picking stuff up?

I really think 98% of the sand "clean up" comes from having good flow everywhere
in the tank keeping detritus suspended so skimmer (Big One)
and filtration can take it out...
Vac is only for "Minor" touch ups of small amounts of lite/loose material...
NOTE: I am not recommending "Vacuuming" sand beds on a regular basis to make up for insufficient flow and under sized Skimmers and Filtration...:nope:


I have 1,175 GPH flowing in my 75 and it did not do anything. My turbo1000multi PS can do up to a 275 g tank. I know my tops are killing me.


Active Member
People should look at adding a power head and pointing downward so that it just genlty blows across the sand bed.
Or work on your clean up crew...My brittle stars make sure nothing is left....(unfortunately they also ate my cleanup crew, but my bottom is clean :p)
or you can send in Vinny the Pistol shrimp and have him knock a few heads around in the clean up crew. j/k (pistol shrimps are not recommend to rough up your cleaning crew)


Active Member

Originally posted by mburnickas
... I know my tops are killing me.

Agree....Well oxygenated water and well directed flow to all areas discourages cyno buildup...


The problem I have is that if I point the PH toward the sand, it moves the sand to much. I have the southdown sand...
I have 2 MJ1200 and a MJ 600 and my main pump.


Active Member

Originally posted by mburnickas
The problem I have is that if I point the PH toward the sand, it moves the sand to much. I have the southdown sand...
I have 2 MJ1200 and a MJ 600 and my main pump.

if you can just move it lower and point it straight across the sand (not at it) that woudl also do.
it's gonna take some playing around ot get it right..
You basically don't want to see anything laying around...and also not blowing your sand aorund either.


It sounds to me like you might want to work on your clean-up crew. I have 30 hermits, 15 turbo snails, 15 nassarius snails, 3 5 emerald crabs and a cleaner shrimp in my 55gal and it works great. Look under the reef packages on this site and that will give you a pretty good idea of how much you should have.