Is it possible to house anemones with out mh?


Hey there guys i was wondering if it is possible to house anemones with out mh as i do not have the money for them. What kind of wattage are we looking at in terms of watts per gallon? :notsure: Thanks Madman133


Active Member
Yes, you can go with VHO's. You are looking at around 5 watts per gallon of VHO at a minimum.

bang guy

I think it depends on the type of Anemone. Generally the Rose Bubble-Tip and Condy are the least light demanding hosting Anemone. They all do better with intense lighting like MH.


Yes however that answer also depends on how deep the tank is. If for instance its a 2 foot deep tank then you should have halides.


My tank is just a 55 gallon right now that has about 3.45 watts per gallon from pc's and florecents. i was wondering if i could add a couple more pcs for there to be enough light. Thanks Madman133


i was just looking at bulbs online and figured out that if i up graded vho to 110w and my pc to 96 watts then i would have about 7.5 watts per gallon of lighting is this good? Also how much wpg do meatl hallides add on average? Thanks Madman133


Active Member
its not so much as wattage per gal goes when it comes to MH as it is to spectrum its self.if your tank is deeper than 24 inches then you must use MH for anenomes and high light corals/vho t-5 power compact and other lighting sources only reach so far through the depth of the water before it bends and loses it important spectrum to sustane life. 400 watts of vho is not compairable to 400 w of mh.not sure if im explaining this properly but basicly im saying the water depth will accually lesson the accual light spectrum causing less light to nurish life.does that make sense.basicly if your tank is 12 inches deep it wont make a difference.if 20 or more you should use mh


Originally Posted by Dragonladylea
Question - If the anemone is not happy with the amount of light it is receiving it will move correct??
In my opinion yes it would move. If the lighting were week, then it would look for a brighter better area, and in so doing become week itself expending energy until it finally rests and starts to look aweful as it trys to draw more energy from the zoo within itself.
Least thats my opinion.


ok my tank is 19 inches tall - sand and rock. Is it possible for me to put him up sort of by the top so that it gets lots of light or will it just move?


Active Member
they will noramally move around as it is.I cant be sure if i will survive under less lighting or not because of depth of the tank .you could try with2 or more 110w vho or if you have 96 w pc.if your lights are 65 w or less per bulb it may be a stretch.without MH its vey iffy.


ive only got 4x96 watt pc's and my anenome split for one to three..... two are still in the same general area of the split but one has moved to one end of the tank. this is from when it just split...