My picasso is constantly picking at the live rock and the sand. They are one of the more aggressive triggers. I would not chance it. A picasso, will likely nip polyps and anything else just to see if it is edible. IMO I would not chance one in a reef tank.
If your looking for a more peaceful trigger try a blue jaw, They got alot of color and are one of the more peaceful species. HTH
I have always heard/read that it isn't so much the picking at corals/live rock, as it is they will eat all your inverts...crabs, snails, shrimp, etc. Anyone?
They will eat all your inverts.
I keep mine in a FOWLR with some mushrooms and blue legged hermits. He doesn't eat the shrooms, but I've heard that close to nothing will eat those anyway. My trigger bites and nibbles on the live rock all day and tries to get at the hermits.
I would never put him in a reef!
Just read your sig.
They would probably (some definitely) eat your shrimp, all the snails, feather worms, tree coral, xenia, starfish, scallops, and maybe the cuke.
I've heard of folks keeping them in reefs...but they tend to munch the clean-up critters we all try to keep in our reefs(snails/crabs/worms/shrimp)...they would all likely be on the menu. Not sure about corals...but from what I understand the clean-up crew would be in serious trouble! But like I said I've heard of folks keeping a few types of triggers in reefs....choice would be yours I guess...but I'd avoid them personally.
Yeah, there used to be a picasso in the LFS I used to work at. We would throw snails and bristle worms we found in his tank. He'd pick and chew on the bristles, then the OWNER would throw them out. But as for the snails, and everything else with a shell... the picasso would nose it on its side then you'd hear this terrible crunching and cracking sound as he either sucked the snail out of the shell, or just destroyed it. Horrible I know.