Is it possible to keep cold in the summer?


Hello Ive looked all over for a method that would work for me, but im having a major problem with heat in my tank. Today I came home and the temp reached up 90 degrees whoa. My question is there a cheap but a efficent way to keep my water cool throughout the day when im at work? I currently have pc lighting which I know that adds to the heat problems but I know its not the major cause and currently I cannot afford a chiller so I would like to hear what anybody would do to keep their tank temp in a realistic range during this awful summer heat? I came up with a really lame idea by freezing a couple of water bottles and placing them in the tank during the day while im at work to keep the temp down somewhat, but thats all I could come up with. Thanks for all the responses in advance to a simple noob problem lol


Active Member
Do you have a glass top or canopy on your tank? I found if I take off my glass top the temp. lowers about 2 degrees during the afternoon. It'll drop even more with a fan blowing across the surface of the water.


no glass top, just have legs on my pc lighting but I will try the fan thing I did see it posted on other threads but if anyone else has any more suggestions they will be well appreciated


I was having the same problem. I removed the glass top and got a little clip on fan at Target for 7.99. I positioned it where it blows across the top of the tank. So far my temps have been staying much more consistent. Good Luck! :happyfish


Active Member
Ice bottles actually do work just fine . . . you just have to play around with it for a little while to make sure that you get just the right amount of "chill" (i.e. how many and how big of bottles, etc.)


I got a used computer power supply, motherboard and 2 huge computer fans. During the day temp is 2 degrees more then where I set my heater at. During night, my heater needs to come on.
I prob should have my fans on timer.