is it possible to skip cycling


8 days ago I started a new tank, 55gal. i took 5 gal of water from my 30H that has been running for a year now and also moved over the canister filter that has been on that tank for 6 months which I hoped would transfer some good bacteria along with the 2 gal of water that it holds. I also used the agralive substrate, the one that is packed with the water, to try and speed up the cycle with all the good bacteria that that claims to have. I have 65 lbs of live rock and i am using a Seaclone protein skimmer. I tested today and it seems like I may have skipped the cycle all together.
My tests were as follows:
No2 = under .5
Ammonia/NH4 - just under zero
No3= 0.2
pH = 8.2
Alk = high
specific gravity = 1.022
Any help would be great


I never really had much of a cycle with my tank. I used the agralive sand and live rock (that was pretty much cured at lfs). I would say you have some nice bacteria in your tank all ready.
A good thing to do might be to just feed your tank some fish food. A whole shrimp at this point might be too much and end up killing the bacteria you already have in your live sand and rock. I can't remember the post, but this is something Bang Guy recommended doing.


little bit of ammonia to maintain the nitrogen cycle you've established. if the bacteria run out of food (nitrogenous compounds) then they will die.