Is it possible



You can here where I live even our ***** now has helthy fish. One of the local reef guys is running there fish department as a second job. He dose it to get the discount for his 300gal reef.


Most reputable LFS's will hold the fish in QT before selling it. The one I stick to does this. Also you can ask them to hold it for a week, make sure its healthy and eating well. If they won't then I'd think about shopping elsewhere. My store will not sell a fish that he wouldn't put in his own tank. I can only respect this because he has pointed out things wrong w/ them that I didn't notice. Could of just took my money like a couple of LFS's I know.


I don't think so.....cysts on the body are just the our visible realazation of obvious manifestation.Its just one stage out of a few the ich go through...catch an ich infested tank at any other time and it looks great.
A qt tank goes a long way towards the truth about ich and your new fish.
I need (and will) to establish one myself.
But I'll agree with what I assume is the subplot...can a breeder not beat ich??


My question is...Of course not everybody can go home to a QT does everybody have ich? I seem to have it and it took one fish life..but the other (yellow tang) is fine..
What from really good stores who have had the fish longer than a few days?