Is it possible?


I have a 240 gallon reef tank that has been up and running for about 4 years. My fish list is as follows.
1 Sailfin Tang 6 inches
1 Hippo Tang 4 inches
1 Midas Blenny
1 Dusky Wrasse 5 inches
2 False Percs
1 Juvi Emperor angel 4 inches
I bought a 54 gallon corner reef tank on CL that includes
1 2-3 inch Hippo tang
1 Scopas Tang
2 False percs
Knowing that tangs can't live long term in that small of tank, is it possible to keep 2 hippo tangs in my 240 together when not introduced at the same time?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jelmer
I have a 240 gallon reef tank that has been up and running for about 4 years. My fish list is as follows.
1 Sailfin Tang 6 inches
1 Hippo Tang 4 inches
1 Midas Blenny
1 Dusky Wrasse 5 inches
2 False Percs
1 Juvi Emperor angel 4 inches
I bought a 54 gallon corner reef tank on CL that includes
1 2-3 inch Hippo tang
1 Scopas Tang
2 False percs
Knowing that tangs can't live long term in that small of tank, is it possible to keep 2 hippo tangs in my 240 together when not introduced at the same time?
Probably; but expect some initial squabbling. This is really quite common; hippo's are fairly mild compared to most tangs. However, your odds would improve when introduced at the same time. It may help to rearrange the LR in the HTs favorite territory right before introducing him.