is it really necessary to let newly mixed salt airate for 24 hours before adding?


I recently read that you need to let newly mixed saltwater stir and airate for a full 24 hours before doing a water change?
For the past year this has been my water change routine.
1.) pour desired level of salt mix into empty bucket.
2.) Fill bucket 1/4 way with r/o water
3.) vigorously mix with my hand
4.) repeat steps 2 & 3 until bucket is full and mixed.
5.) pour water from bucket to another empty bucket in a quick/violent manner. and repeat that process 3-4 times to ensure a good mixture.
6.) check salinity and adjust as necesarry
7.) repeat step 5 and 6.
8.) If correct salinity, start the water change....
I have had no problems with this method and have been doing it for over a year. Why do people say that you need to mix and airate saltwater for a minimum of 24 hours before actually adding it to your tank?


without getting technical or writing an essay. it has to do with increasing the PH, the dissolved oxygen levels, it also helps increase the alkalinity of the water. short version is it keeps ph from swinging as much. assuming your using RO.

salty blues

Active Member
My non expert method is to keep a heated, powerhead stirred batch of saltwater mixed up and ready to use at least 7 to 10 days before I do a water change, which is every 2 weeks. I usually try to mix a fresh batch right after I do a change, so I will always have a supply on hand---just in case!
I use Reef Crystals, just mix them up and let sit, while I take out the desired amount from my system... I then stir the new mix again and add, have never had any issues with parameters.
I don't use heaters, but the water is at room temp when I add to the refugium, where it mixes up with existing water and gets pumped back into DT.


I do not believe this to be an issue with newly mixed water. I would however airate water that has been mixed and sitting for more than a week.