Is it really the 6 month mark for getting Anemones?


Active Member
So when is it truly safe to get anemones in a new tank? I heard 6 months but isnt there another way to know for sure?


Active Member
Anemones can be very touchy... some seem REALLY hardy some don't. I've had one that died for no apparent reason -- the other got sucked up in powerheads... tore up.. and just can't kill it. I would wait for your tank to become more "established" personally. Be patient ;)


Active Member
anemones are really weird. i have never been able to keep an anemone. not even in my 2 year old tank. they just die after a week.


Active Member
anemones need excellent water quality and high lighting. if you are considering a reef then you should know that anemones sometimes move around a lot and can sting your corals. do you know what kind you want? why do you want it? aestetics? clowns? just think theyre cool? i like them too, but i doubt ill ever get another one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
IMO you can get one when you just set your tank up. Waiting 6+ months is a bunch of BS.

yeah, youre right. absolutely no experience needed. plus, anemones are great for cycling your tank with, so throw a couple in the first day you set it up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
anemones are really weird. i have never been able to keep an anemone. not even in my 2 year old tank. they just die after a week.
WOW. What kinda light you using in there?? They don't call em light hungry for nothing......


Active Member
I never follow the rules...I got my Green Bubble tip lastnight and my tank is 3months old. I have no worries either on the water quality as my SPS and all my corals are doing great as I only have 2 fish and about 50lb of LR in a 30breeder tank so my biological filtration should be pretty good at keeping alot of things in check. Then again..I think i do just about everything opposite of what people say and have never had bad results.


I have 2 anemones thay are both great in my tank ones and florida atlantic anemone and the other is a sebea with 2 occelaris clowns


I got an LTA after 3 months and except when he got sucked into the filter return he has done great. After he recovered from that (and I covered the return) he has been healthy and growing. When he is all puffed up he is almost a foot across.


Active Member
I'd give you my carpet anemone.. but you'd have to come get it :)
Looking to get rid of him although he really isn't hurting anything.. just taking up a big corner of my tank that I have plans for :)