is it reef safe?


I am still in the beginning stages of my tank, but plan on making it a reef eventually. I have read mixed reports about angel fish. I have seen a lot that angels are not reef safe, but also seen that the coral beauty is. Does anyone know more about this. I dont want to buy a fish I will have to remove once i start gertting corals.


There isn't an angelfish that is 100% reef safe. You have a better chance of the Dwarf angels being reef safe then the larger angels.


I have a coral beauty (only for a chort time yet) and he does not show any sign of being reef un-safe. He never nips at the corals or inverts. He is very animated and cruises the rockwork all day nipping at stuff (pods?algae?). I love him more every day - he's stealing the show from my clownfish! Also, he's a lot more hardy than I thought they would be. He survived a bout if popeye and a badly infected fin when he was first introduced and has been thriving even though he went over a week without eating at the beginning. I highly recommend coral beauty angelfish , but I'm just a beginner, mind you.