Just got back from CA yesterday and noticed a mark/srtipe on our BTA. A little background first: This BTA is a clone of the original, I'd say its less than a year old, maybe 6-8 mos. It has increased in size quite a bit within the last 2 mos.; before that it was a pretty stable "one" size. The only changes recently has been bulb swapping: a new 65w 10k pc in front of it approx. 1 month ago and a new true 03 actinic 55w ?k to the right/back of the BTAs. Doing a rotation on the pcs-in a few weeks I will be replacing the other 10k or fake blue actinic 76? or whatever k bulb. The org. BTA is also looking very good now: larger, fully open more often.
The question is do you all think that the BTA may be on the verge of splitting? Hope the pics will help. Or is it something worse, like a tear or something?
And, do you think that the bulb changing has anything to do with it? i.e. more light stimulation.
Heres a pic of it this evening.
The question is do you all think that the BTA may be on the verge of splitting? Hope the pics will help. Or is it something worse, like a tear or something?
And, do you think that the bulb changing has anything to do with it? i.e. more light stimulation.
Heres a pic of it this evening.