is it the snails or is it me?


I am trying to get my janitor crew going and seem to be in constant battle with my turbo snails. I started by putting them with their foot down on the sand and after 12 hours they were still in the same spot. I tried to help by holding them near the glass until their foot grabbd it. They sat happily on the glass for a while (even moved a bit) and then eventually fell off upside down. I turned them over and left one on the sand and put the other on the glass. Is it the snails that have issues or me? What is the proper way to place a turbo in the tank?


make sure your acclimating them correctly, usually i acclimate mine for about 2 hours adding water slowly so they can adjust to my specific gravity. salinity shock usaully causes them to fall off the glass. what do you keep yours at?


I am at of town right now, but the last I checked it was 1.028. I know that is high. I had been doing evaporation top offs with salt. I have been slowly bringing it down with RO changes. Is that the issue? Also, I keep the water around 78-80 degrees. According to my wife, the turbos have been moving around on the sand, they just aren't going up the walls.


28 it a bit high exspecially at that temp your salinity is going to be higher. only topoff with ro water don't add saltwater, unless you trying to raise it recently?


no, not trying to raise the salinity. Just a newbie mistake. I have been trying to lower it now that I have learned the error of my ways. Should I lower the temp also?


no your temp is fine thats what i keep my temp at, but specific gravity and salinity are 2 different things. kipass just posted a chart for the specific gravity and salinity reading at different temps try a search and it will explain it better.


thanks for all the great help seabae. I am going to try to get get my levels better and make sure I am more careful about acclimating. I got an update from my wife and it seems both of my new turbos have died...or if they haven't they have been stationary for a really long time.