is it too late to add more live sand?


i'd like to add more live sand if its not too late. i have a number of fish in the tank already. i was thinking, if i bought the widest pvc pipe avail., i could feed the sand to bottom of the tank thru the tube so not to cloud the water too much. would this work or is it too late?


Active Member
go for it...the only thing is maybe add a little at a time because I dont think it would cause a mini cycle but i am not sure. Or ask some fellow reefers for a cup of their established sand.


i guess i didnt take the mini-cycle into account. i was going to buy the 20-25lb bag from this site, along w/the 20-25 lbs of live rock. once i open the bag, i dont know how long it would 'live' inside an opened bag. maybe i'll buy the live rock(acouple pieces), then the live sand later from a lfs. p.s. excuse my typing, i'm typing in the dark while i acclimate my new fish.


Active Member
If it is going in your 120 than 25 lbs should be ok to add at once. If you add rock put it in a seperate container for a few weeks and moniter the water. Once all the die off is gone then you can put it in your tank.


slick, you dont know how happy you made me, i love those kind of answers. will you call me chief, too?


slick, didnt mean to be mean!! i'm just a little stressed. i ordered the mini reef pkg, a bahama star and a blonde tang. i'm afraid i'm adding too many folks to my tank in one day. i did a 15 gal h2o chg yesterday in anticipation for these guys and didnt think about the water loss from the into(my replacement water is only a day old). and when iu was introing the brittle stars, i dropped the bag while cutting the top off(they were the first into the bucket, so there was no water in the bucket and i have two stars, hello!!!).


Active Member
Sorry cody I miss read your post. I was talking about sand not rock. I thought your post read "slick were you talking about 25lbs of rock and sand in the 120?"