Is it too soon for a rose bud anemone?


I would like to get a Rose Bud Anemone but it has only been 5 weeks since I started my 55 gallon tank. I have 337 watts of 50/50 reef lights all my tests seem to be good so far.
Should I wait the extra few month's?


Active Member
yes please do. you need a mature tank, give it a another two months with some fish in the tank, keeping the levels all in limits.


I plan on waiting much to my dismay. I have a 6 line wrasse, Percula clownfish, Randal's shrimp goby and Michaels shrimp. Wish me luck, and thanks for the help. Do I enough light though?


Active Member
Lighting sounds good. Anenomes filter the water through there body's and require pristine water conditions, any swings in the water like salinity, temp, ph, switching from ro to tap water etc.. They will let you know because they look horrible when they are dying.


Active Member
It is really important to understand that we only test a teensy-tiny number of parameters of those that actually may impact animal health. These are all changing over time as the tank matures - and as your skills as a hobbyist mature. Just because the "big 7" are tested (amm, nitrite, nitrate, pH, alk, Calcium, specific gravity) and within norms, does not mean the tank is ready for some of the more delicate forms.
I would also mention to be careful of stocking with fish too quickly.


My Ph is going up when lights off and down when on. Temp got real cold here in Vermont, and now the temp swings a degree from 76.4 - 77.4, set for 77. I think I need to get another small heater, this one is for a 75 gal, and I have a 55, thought it would be enough.


Active Member
Due to the accuracy...or lack thereof...of the thermostats and thermometers we use (unless you are using a really expensive thermometer?), 1 degree is probably within reason.
I personally would keep my temp a bit higher in general, but I don't necessarily think another heater will stop this. Not to mention, some fluctuation would be more natural anyway.