Is it true that Anemones.....



Is it true that anemones let out a toxin that will kill off your tank when they die?? How do you know when it is about to die?? I want to get one but I am affraid if it does that I will loose all my pretty fish.


Active Member
What anenomes release when they die is nothing more than a fish releases. The issue is when an anenome dies they expell some nasty things and it happens quickly. Unless you have a huge tang or some other girthy fish in your tank that dies an anenome is quite a large mass to die in your tank to begin with so what it releases into your tank does so in a very large quantity. Amonia first and nitrates to follow.. depending on the size of the anenome and the size of your tank will determine how much of an impact it will have on your tank if it croaks.

bang guy

Ot's ammonia if it dies by melting. If it's caught in a pump or a powerhead then it can release nematocysts that can easily kill fish when it hits their gills.