Is it wise to add a carpet anemone all input greatly aperciated



First off i have a 125g tank with aprx 150 lbs of life rock. filtraton i use a sump built for a 125 with protein skimmer. lights 3 175w 10000k 2 140w vho atenic
currently live stock
two yellow tangs for fish most rocks are covered in gsp i have one bubble coral in the corner of the tank. i also have several leathers here and there in the tank. i understand that they can move a lot at first. i was wondering if i got one and didnt add anything till a few months after it settled down would it then be ok to add more coral thinking it wouldnt move much after it settled. i really have my heart set on a blue one or if i cant get one of those a green one. however i wanna make sure it will work before i purchase one tho.
Oh and if i purchased one whats the clown most likly to take to a carpet.l my fave is maroon clown but i like them all
any input info suggestions be great thanks a lot

black cobra

Start out with a Mini Carpet. Much much easier to take care of and they wont eat your fish
They dont move around a whole bunch and are just as fun to watch! They just dont get as big


Active Member
ive had almost every clown in the whole hobby. maroon clownfish take to anemones the most, then clarkiis, then tomatoes. so far ive had 3 different pairs of percula and none of them hosted an anemone. maybe cause they are tank bred... idk. but u have more chance with a wild clownfish.


thanks for all the help. i ordered a seabee or however its spelled. figure be easier long term cause the only carpets i saw where the large ones. I did order 2 wild maroon clowns i really rather get the captive ones but i figure they would host better. i may get a mini carpet in future if i can find a nice one. with any luck it will be here friday morning :)
I also bought some rics and what not
I talked about this in a another post in the reef tank forum and from what bang guy said kinda put me off which i aperciate his insight considering the cost of them. from u guys and him i believe i was able to make a better choice. even if the clowns dont host i still like the type i purchased a lot too


You got maroons? They are beautiful, fiesty fish with loads of personality and attitude, very fun fish. You could have gone with a bta, their natural host anemone. From experience, maroons will host just about anything. Please post photos when you get a chance.


Yes i got two maroons wild caught they are suppose to be the real small size i thought that might help them pair up and if they dont like eachother they got plenty of room lol. the tank is about 10 years old recently given to me by my aunt/uncle been set up for a week in my house. within 6 hours the bubble coral and all the gsp was out looking great. took about 24 hours for the lil things to come out of the leather corals. everything looks great the fish look happy swimming around eating well. I have experiance with tanks before just nothing this large. attached is a photo i took about 24 hours after tank was setup to show my aunt/uncle. friday i'll post pics of the new critters. when i tested my water yesterday everything was at zero amonia/nitrate/nitrite ph 8.3 calcium 475 all tests are seachem. i used seachem salt best my lfs had.
on top there are 2 outflows from sump the black cords go to 3 1300 gph pumps like the hydor ones. the flow out and at a slight angle to the overflow. only dif is the front where the eggcrate is now covered in sand its more for looks/ frags to sit in
fyi pic taken with iphone. friday i'll take pics with a real cam

crypt keeper

Active Member
Do you like it is set up right? eye catching. I would move the rocks around some. Play with them. Create caves. Stack them up some and have maybe 3 Islands. One on each side then in the middle. This will give your fish more swimming room believe it or not.
Then get some power heads in there. You need some flow. You have none. Most corals need medium flow over them to do better. Ever seen a video of an anemone in the wild? They are being blown every which way possible.
Also how many snails do you have? Id cut back on feeding your tangs for right now. You have hair algae they will plow right through if you give them time.


Not sure if u saw it or not but in my previous post i mentioned i have 3x 1300 gph powerheads at bottom of tank.the power head in the last pic a maxi jet 1200 i thew in there for good measure lol. there are postioned in a way where the whole tank gets flow. i know its hard to see it my last pic i posted. there are lots of caves and places to swim and i i like these look a lot better. most of that green stuff u see in the tank are green star polyps. i dont feed the tangs tho. they are very active and follow me if im near the tank. here are some pictures of it today the critters are suppose to be here tommrow. I'm excited lol.




crypt keeper

Active Member
I see that. Look smuch better with those pics. I would still stack the rock different but its your tank.
Now those tangs look very skinny,. The one has his sides all sunken in from the looks of that photo. How often are you feeding them?


your right they are very skinny. they was given to me. i have a veggie clip in there they nibble on and some pellets they eat. with any luck they will fatten back up. they seem to want to eat ok and do eat so im hopeful


Rock work looks good, I would just add more and go higher!

As for those tangs. WOW, they are very malnourished (I know it's not your fault).
Have you tried any meaty foods or just seaweed clips and pellets? I'd add Mysis shrimp to their diet (PE MYSIS) and a lot of it - of course only as much as they can eat. You may want to increase the amount of feedings you give them and decrease the amount of food for each feeding so you don't throw off all your parameters. If it were me, I'd be feeding mysis, salmon, vitamins and a frozen cubed food designed for tangs. Salmon is fatty, but is really nutritious and can really help fatten up malnourished fish so for now feed it often, and as they get better, cut back on it and only use it as a weekly treat.


thanks for the tip about salmon i guess i didnt think they would eat meaty foods. can i use the stuff that comes in the can in the store like near would tuna be?


Originally Posted by james454
thanks for the tip about salmon i guess i didnt think they would eat meaty foods. can i use the stuff that comes in the can in the store like near would tuna be?
Don't know. I always use fresh or frozen and just shave it with a cheese grater.
Tangs need meat AND vegetation in their diet.


Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
im in love with your star polyps
Yea im in love with them too. i have a couple square feet of them lol.
I got some salmon at the store and put a few pieces in the tank and the critters acted like i placed crack in there lol. it was awsome the tangs clowns tore into the lil star fish was trying to get a piece that fell to the bottom.
So hopefully in a few weeks i'll see some improvment. the guy at the store was shocked when i asked for a small piece cause it was for my fish. he was like u buying salmon for fish and i was like damn straight lol here in a lil bit i'll post some pics of clown and anemone the first 15 min or so the fought a lil bit nipping eachother but now they get a long just fine