is it worth buying water from your LFS??


hey i know this maybe a def. NOOB question,, but is it actually worth buying the water from the petstore? i would only be using it for topping off the tank and all. its RO water, whats the usual going price:thinking: anybody else do this.. or should i buy a beganer*sp* RO and save money that way...


I buy my RO water @ the local grocery store for .19 per gallon. I used to have a big hair algae problem but since I now use this water for all topoffs & water changes its all gone.


Is it RO or RO/DI? If it's RO you can probably get a better deal from Walmart. If it's RO/DI it's probably worth getting it from the LFS since most grocery stores/walmarts don't sell RO/DI water. RO/DI is preferred because it has much less contaminents and stuff you don't want like phosphates which feed nuisance algae. It would actually be cheaper to get an RO/DI unit and make your own water, but I personally don't have the space for this, so I pay a little more for the convenience of picking up however much I need from the LFS and not having to mix and store it myself.


DI means takes the ionic compounds such as floride and phosphate out of the water....these compounds are generally not found on natural reefs and if they are it is in trace amounts and they fuel algae gowth and other unwanted organizms in the saltwater tank....
Hope that helped


glad to have helped
and to your other question..... i think RO/DI water is an essential aspect in a healthy tank, because it helps your aquarium look its best by providing the closest to natural look (remember you still have to add trace elements, strontium, calcium, and i sugest iodine; especially if you have soft corals)
Best of Luck