is it worth it


This would be my first saltwater tank.
I have read a couple of books, but don't have any friends to go to about saltwater.
I found this used set up and was woundering what it would be worth and if it would be good for my first take.
Here is what I know about it
75 gallon glass
60 lbs live rock
yellow tang 3"
blue tang 3"
Maroon clown fish 3 1/2"
clown fish 1"
Eel 8"ish
2 sea urchants
2 star fish
I think there may have been 1 or 2 more fis
Most fish were small
There are some live things growing off the rocks now the only one i knew was a small anemone
also comes with
undergravel filter
protein scimmer
penguin 3
2 powerheads
3 110v lights
crushed coral on bottom
He said he has 1200 invested
selling for 350
So what do you think
any imput would be great


not to bad since you know its not leaking.
it will need some changes though like the UG filter and CC and maybe thinning of some fish. but that could all be straightened out if you get the tank.
the 75 gallon tanks are more expensive that some reason. around here you can get a 75 tank only for 200$ but I got my 100 for 299$ with a stand and lights.
to me its a good deal the lights would cost about that much alone


For $350 I think that is a good deal. With what you have mentioned you could eighter go all fish or reef set up. This would be a great start for a beginner GO FOR IT. I have no friends eighter that do saltwater. They all think I pretty dumb to spend my $ on this hobby, but you know what when they come over they ALWAYS go to the tank to see if anything is new:D This is a great site to ask all your questions no matter how dumb they might sound. Good Luck Rick


Active Member
wwf, yea my friends think i'm stupid too! I am an ex-drag racer that sold my car and then got into this.....It will take an adjustment period for my friends!!!!!!!


OK thanks
Looks like I will be making another phone call today
here is a couple more question, thanks
I read that a maroon clown and a percula clown should not live together?
And eels are not a very good with others?
Are these true?
OK so on moving day How should I do this?
Here is my thought let me know what you think?
I can get the big 20 gallon water coolers from my school. I was going to line them with some type of bag and fill them up with the salt water.
remove all fish and live rock and place into different containers. Could I house them togother for the trip and for my set up time?
I was going to leave a 1 or 2 inches of water in the tank and also the crushed seashells.
How much time do I have to get the tank up and running, temp, before I would have to worry about getting the bagged up fish out. They would have no heat or oxygen.
Should I get the oxygen pumping in as soon as I get home?
I only live 45 min from this guy
couple of hours to tear down
45 min drive
2-3 hours to set up and get up to temp
so will this work or am I going to kill everthing
Thanks so much for your help


See if the guy will start tearing it all apart for ya. I would take like a rubermaid trash can and use that for the rocks. You will most likely loose some stuff but faster you put it all together the less you will lose. See if you can get a few 5gal buckets and place the original water in them with a lid (I would say like 5 buckets at least). See if you can get something else instead of that sea shell garbage. See if you can find some fine CC that will be much better and do not put the underground filter in the tank. Let me know what you think and I'll keep thinking of ways to help ya out. Ohhh this just came to me what if you talk to ur LFS and see if they can hold the fish for you till ur tank is ready for them? Good Luck Rick


The tank has already cycled so I don't have to wait on that right?
By adding live sand instead of the CC is everthing going to go nutty on me and kill everthing?:confused:


If you are going to add LS I would place it in 1st and wait about a week then add ur LR. I have read other post and they have said that it takes about a week for it to settle down and most of the complaints have been sand on there LR. If you add LR at the same time you may have to use a turkey baser to blow the sand off the LR. Your tank should have no problems with haveing to start over the cycleing, but adding sand will just cost you time like a 5-8 days so you can see whats going on in ur tank without a dust cloud.


we'll I got the whole set up and all his supplies for 300.
I think I did pretty well.
I switched to sand right away, we used a peice of plastic to keep the water from moving and it worked great no cloudness or flying said.
Thanks everone
Everthing is up and running we are on day 2 now.
Still have my figers crossed, but everone is eating!!


Hey after it is all set up and doing good could you get pics? I would like to see how it all turned out. THX Rick


Yes I would like to get pics on here. We have a digital video camera with memory stick. I just don't know how to get them from there to here. My wife is looking into haow to do it. so hopefully I will have something soon.;)