Aragonite - this is very reef safe and calcium based. A good choice.
Tufa- which can be a soft rock that coralline algae can grow rather well on. This rock can have heavy minerals in it which could make it a poor choice, but many have used it with success. Tufa, although may have some minerals(all rock does), is form the sea, beneath the water line. It is form within the reef.
Lava- A few have used this with success as well but it to can have minerals in it making it a poor choice. Lace Rock is volcanic. Lava, is loaded with minerals, and is from below the earths crust. Not sure if there is any substance to these facts, but Magma is of a far different composition, and does generally contain some minerals that we know not to be safe for fish tanks, however, It more than likely also depends on the origin, as any other minerals and metals, it can only contain those which are native to the region(lead here, silver there,and so on, but this also includes beneficial or non-harmful too).
I listed these as a good deal of LFS that I have been to carry these three.
If you use Tufa or Lava set up a bucket with saltwater and test it over a few weeks to see if anything bad leaches out of the rock.