Is Maxi-jet 1200 too strong for 60 gallon tank?


I am planning to have two powerheads in the tank along with a canister filter and sump with return pump. Just wondering whether to get maxi-jet 900 or 1200? Will 1200 be too strong for 60 gallon tank? Thanks for all your helps.


Active Member
No, that's max 295 GPH. Not sure what else you are using for flow (total), but I think you could use two easy.


Originally Posted by zman1
No, that's max 295 GPH. Not sure what else you are using for flow (total), but I think you could use two easy.
Well I am using Rio 1700 for the return pump from 10 gallon sump plus eheim canister filter, just afraid that the current might be too strong for fishes to swim in.


I would get a variety of the MJ's. Then you can have choices later. The 1200 ended up being too much in my 30g.


Active Member
one maxijet is not nearly enough for a 60g. I would use about four if its a reef tank and about...well I'd still use four unless I was keeping seahorses. You could use just one large propeller style for the cost of 3 or 4 maxijets and get the same results and use less electricity.
hydor koralia

On a side note for what ever reason an image search for "seio" for what ever reason results in a bunch of foreign images of ----


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
one maxijet is not nearly enough for a 60g. I would use about four if its a reef tank and about...well I'd still use four unless I was keeping seahorses. You could use just one large propeller style for the cost of 3 or 4 maxijets and get the same results and use less electricity.
hydor koralia

On a side note for what ever reason an image search for "seio" for what ever reason results in a bunch of foreign images of ----

You can type in just about anything anymore and get ---- pics.
Has anyone had any experience with these?


New Member
Has anyone had any experience with these?
I use 2 of them in my 55 and use a 1200 MJ to move water to fuge, and works great. Those are the best for powerheads to move water in a tank. Go for it!