Is my 55gal overstocked


Is my tank overstocked?Here is a list of my fish.
white ribbon eel1
red scooter blenny2
valentini puffer1
desjardini sailfin tang1
black percula clown2
achilles tang1


Active Member
Minus the two tangs you're okay. Both fish are going to be extremely cramped. The achilles is not a hardy fish and should not be attempted by anyone but the most experienced hobbyist with a large system. The sailfin will grow to the size of a plate if it doesn't die first. Please reconsider these two fish and return them if you can.


Sailfin will get BIG(up to 18")! When it grows larger, it'll have a tough time just turning around. Plus all the space it can occupy with it's fins displayed. Not sure how big yours is but I have 1 in my 180G that is 7" and when he fully displays himself, he looks pretty impressive.