Is my 55gal overstocked


Is my tank overstocked?Here is a list of my fish.
white ribbon eel1
red scooter blenny2
valentini puffer1
desjardini sailfin tang1
black percula clown2
achilles tang1[

darth tang

Active Member
Yes. I would remove the Tangs as they will eventually (if not already) need a bigger tank to swim in.
And I believe eventually the puffer will make lunch out of a couple of the tank-mates.
What filtration do you have for your tank?


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Yes. I would remove the Tangs as they will eventually (if not already) need a bigger tank to swim in.
And I believe eventually the puffer will make lunch out of a couple of the tank-mates.
What filtration do you have for your tank?

My tangs are 2"-3" now. But I'm going to upgrade to a 125 in october.

darth tang

Active Member
Well if you are upgrading you should be fine. If you move the larger fish to the 125 and the Tangs. I wouldn't move them all as I believe some will become a snack. How much live rock and live sand do you have, if any?

darth tang

Active Member
And with tangs,. it isn't so much their size as it is they need more room to roam compared to other fish. Tangs like to "cruise" the strip so to speak.


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Well if you are upgrading you should be fine. If you move the larger fish to the 125 and the Tangs. I wouldn't move them all as I believe some will become a snack. How much live rock and live sand do you have, if any?

I have 55lb of lr no ls. how big is your tank?

darth tang

Active Member
I have a 140gallon. 7ft. long. In it currenttly is one Panther Grouper and a Neon Velvet Damsel (the damsel is five inches. The grouper is about the same. I have a Snowflake eel on hold at the LFS that is 12 inches long waiting for me to get my top sealled off and a Green bird wrasse I pick up next week. There is also a Moly in this tank but he hides a lot and won't allow me to catch him so I can move him to a safer tank. So unfortunantely he may become lunch one day. This also has an Orange knobby starfish, a chocolate chip star, and a purple lobster. various snails (over 100) as well
I also have a fifty five gallon tank that houses two seahorse and an engineer goby. 5 hermit crabs, and 25 snails of various kinds.
I have a ten gallon I am setting up for a Mantis shrimp and I am looking at a 33 gallon tank in the local paper currenttly.
I have a 4-6 inch live sand/crushed coral bed in the 140 with about 35 lbs of live rock.
I have a 2-3 inch live sand bed in the 55 with 25 lbs. of live rock.
Are you using crushed coral if you aren't using sand? If you have a bare bottom tank I suggest getting a 40lb bag or argonite live sand for your 55. This will help with filtration.


Ihave a 55 freshwater tank with14 angelfish and alought of guppies,mollies,neons,zebra fish, and a silver dollar. oh yeah I got a huge snail and pleco. you might want to know I'm 11