Is my Anemone dying? Green Bubble Tip


New Member
I got a new green bubble tip anemone yesterday, acclimated it, and put it in last night. IT was in for a bout 2 hours with the lights on, (after about 1 hour with the lights off). This morning (lights off) it was about the size of a quarter, and looked very shriveled up at the front of my 75g on the sandbed. Should I be worried? I dont want it to die and pollute my tank! It was looking great last night before the lights shut off about 3 inches around. My main concern is that some of the grabs may have picked at it and freaked it out!


Active Member
Probably just stressed from the environment change. Wait it out, maybe leave the lights out and gradually bring them back to the full time you normally have them on over the course of the next few days.


New Member
ok I will give that a go. Never had an anemone before for this very reason. And plus I wanted to wait the right amount of time before i put it in the tank. Stressfull little buggers!