Is my Anemone OK


Water is Great Ph 8.3, nitrates 0, nitrite 0, alka is about 200ppm, amoina 0, cal is 400 SG 1.025 everyone else is doing great but him.


Is He New To Your Tank? It Could Be That He Is Stressed. It Could Be A Number Of Things. I'm Fairly New At Anemones And Corals But Mine Wilted When It Ate Or Was Resting. Keep An Eye On It For The Next Couple Of Days. If It Gets Worse Try To Move It Alittle And If You See That It Has Started To Fall Apart Remove It From Your Tank. Of Course You Could Always Put It In A Hospital Tank If You Have One Set Up To Keep Watch On It.


Staff member
Doesn't look too good. Give some details. New addition? Lighting? Etc.


He's been here for about a 2 week lighting I have 4 vho 110 on a 55gal, 2 super actinic and 2 actinic white so i think its should be OK He closes off like that in the morning and when i come home hes like this.


Still dont look great. I feed him this afternoon a piece of shrimp i think he took it. can i do anything to help him.


Perhaps its not used to the lighting situation right now. Might want to reduce the photo period for a while, depending on what it was used to vs. what you are giving it right now.
What temp are you running?
Are you running a protien skimmer?


Originally Posted by Thomas712
Perhaps its not used to the lighting situation right now. Might want to reduce the photo period for a while, depending on what it was used to vs. what you are giving it right now.
What temp are you running?
Are you running a protien skimmer?
The Temps is 79.7 and it never goes below 77 normal is 78 to 80
Yes Im using a Protien Skimmer
Here is the picture after i tried to feed him about 20 mins after he opened his mouth and looked like he has going to spit it out and then he closed his mouth again and its still closed Thanks For your help


Originally Posted by kimC
How's your anemone doing??
Here he is today im not sure i did a 10% water change yesterday and he still looks the same


Active Member
Looks like he's just not settled in yet. Mine looked to be settled, but this morning he has moved over the night time. I've been told to be patient, but it sure is nerve racking watching him like a hawk like this.
I might have to move the rock again if he doesn't come out from the crack he just sank into. At least yours is out in the open right now.