Is my Anemone's Foot Bad? Pic


I purchased this guy hoping he'd attach to something in my tank and it's been 2 weeks and all he does is role around in the sand.
Here is a pic of his foot:
He's a Purple tip sebea.
high res pick found here: HIGH RES
If his foot is bad, I might as well flush him, right? He seems to be opening fine, but just not attching to anything.
Tanks Params:
5 year old setup
Am =0
nit = 0
Nitrate = 4
Cal 420
PH 8.2
Temp 82
forgot these:
260watt PC lights.
If his foot is OK, do you think I should trade him in? I also have a Bulb Tipped Anemone in this tank as well and he's doing awesome.


Hi. Im a newbee but I also had a sebae anemone that looked like yours. From what I understand, the white appearance is a sign that the anemone has expelled its zooanthellea. MY sebae died very quickly because it was white, and I did not have the metal halide lighting which is necessary for their survival. If you can return the anemone, I think you should.


Please keep the suggestions coming. If he's going to die, I'd rather get rid of him before he clowds my tank.


Active Member
They, Heteractis sp. like to have their foot buried deep into the sand. Dont know if it can by itself so mayby if you do it.


Attached is a pic of him in the morning. Looks all curled up. It could be because I handled him yesterday or do you think he's declining?
Note this is in the morning with the lights shut off for 12 hours already.
I guess I'd like to know the signs of him deing so I can get him out of the tank before he clouds it all up and makes a mess.
I know smell is one sign and yesterday he didn't stink.


Hi THere... Again, this is exactly what my sebae was doing. He didnt actually die in my tank, I pulled him out so that he wouldnt make a mess of things. I have read on this site that I dying anemone not only smells aweful, but it will look like melted ice cream. If you don't want to return him (or if you can't), watch him closely and watch the levels in your tank. I am sorry to say that he looks like he isnt going to make it. I may be wrong though. I believe Thomas has a picture somewhere around here of a sebae when he first got it and the sebae after a few months under metal halide lighting. I think this is the only way for those darn anemones to survive. I am sorry, this is probably not what you wanted to hear, but I have been through this before too. Hope this helps


You sure can't just toss these guys in just any tank that's for sure. They are touchy, sensitive and one of the more difficult to acclimate.
First off like many of these specimens I see it has lost most of it's zooxanthellae. Most find that MH lighting will bring them back to heath better than any other type of lighting, there are very few exceptions. Selection is key here never purchase a white one.
Foot looks fine, so far.
Other than acclimation shock and poor lighting and a delicate species, I wish you luck, however I seriously doubt it will live. The Odds are simply stacked against it.
You also should not mix species of anemones in one tank.
Take the sebae back.


Thanks Thomas.
I'm going to take the Sebea back. I only paid $15 for him so if they don't take him back I'll just give it to them.
Thanks everyone!