Is My BTA splitting


Active Member
Here is the latest in my BTA splitting saga. I had to be gone for about five days and my remaining anemone was not looking too hot. he was hiding.
Anyway, I came back and my anemone has wandered about a foot and a half from where it was. It is back under a rock. I guess that means that it is still alive since it is firmly attached and wandering.
The aggravating thing is that since my gold striped maroon clown does not have a home now, he is tearing my tank apart. He has dug a hole and knocked ove about three different coral frags.
He needs therepy.


im just going to add my 2 cents on a very good thread i have had many anemones that are doing great for months and one day they unattach and die for no apparent reaseon at all then i have some that move nonstop and are living great for years (1 so far) what i seem to see is if you notice any tear or it looks like anything is missing or falling off tey usally die unfortunatly there is no way to save themonce this happens i just got a bta last week its awsome im constintly wathing it because i dont want it to die so far so good i heard they do split but i never seen this happen my advise is just dont touch it if its not attaching is proberlly not going to make it if it dies get it out right away cause it will raise your levels real fast anemones are hit and miss dont let this discorouge you there beautifull creatures and are so fassinating to watch if it doesnt make it get another one try try again you should also increase your oxygen to controll your ph also anemones dont like warm water so check your temp 78-80 is good and some dont need very bright lights well good luck :help:


Active Member
Thanks for your input. I am just involved in a waiting game. During the crisis time, I was checking my water all of the time. I never had any ammonia spikes.
I am thinking about getting another bta so that my clown will have a good home to live in. But I don't have the money right now. So I am just waiting.
However today, my bta is in a cave, but he is starting to look more normal. He does not inflate fully, but there is bubbles in his tenticles. My clown is able to start wiggling around in it.
So, maybe there is hope.


Active Member
just a quick update. My splitting anemone finally died completly.
So my sad saga is now complete.
Thanks to all who helped me out. I am saving to get another anemone and try again.