Is my clam gaping?


Active Member
Im new to clams and not sure if this guy is in trouble. I have read about gaping which is a sign of distress. He is 3 days old now.


Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
looks like it is gaping to me

anything I can do to help him?


Active Member

Originally posted by Fishman830
what kind of lighting od you have???

MH and I run actinics, lighting is fine.

nm reef

Active Member
Unless I am mistaken gaping is when the tissue is pulling away from the mantle and not fully extending...your clam looks healthy to me. The concern may be with the opening which is normal....water is pulled in and exits thru another opening. I think yours looks fine...but many times clams can look good right up until they expire. But yours doesn't appear to be gaping to me.:thinking:


Active Member

Originally posted by NM reef
Unless I am mistaken gaping is when the tissue is pulling away from the mantle and not fully extending...your clam looks healthy to me. The concern may be with the opening which is normal....water is pulled in and exits thru another opening. I think yours looks fine...but many times clams can look good right up until they expire. But yours doesn't appear to be gaping to me.:thinking:

:jumping: :jumping: glad to hear, I just fed them DT's and the both reacted. I was/am concerned because I always purchase from this LFS w/ a questioning mind.
How often do you feed yours? I understand I have to feed more often as mine our kinda small (about 2 and 2.5inches) since they cannot photo enough light to survive. But I also dont want to overfeed and cause pollution problems.
I want to add eventually one more, that is more brown and gold in color next to the one pictured, I think it would make a nice contrast.


Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
what halides are you running
how big is it.. (inches)?

Im runnin 10k xm's about a week old.
they are about 2 and 2.5 inches in size.


Your clam is fine. Like skilos said, the incurrent syphon(the thing that looks like a mouth) will open WIDE and the little tentacles around the opening will curl up. You'll know when your clam is gaping.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Your crocea looks good, although I'd mount him with the mantle facing up. FYI I have the four major species of tridacna clams and have long left DT's and my tank and clams continue to thrive. My little guys also appear to be fine, but at 2 and a half inches you don't need to feed in my opinion...