Is my Clown Dieing ?


I've had this one perc clown in my tank for about 3 week's now.
Last week, i added another perc which died this saturday. Later found out if died from ick. SO i started treating my tank with kick ick. My orginial perc clown used to eat everyday and eat plenty. After introducing the new perc it stopped eating. It hasn't eaten since last thursday, it has been breathing with its mouth wide open. It does have a few white spot's on it. I do have a cleaner shrimp in the tank as well. The clown does allow itself to be cleaned by the shrimp.
The tank has been up for about 2 months. All water level's are fine. Only thing high is phosphate's for which i'm using a phosphate sponge on my PH.
I also bought flake food to see if it would like a food change. Didnt eat. Infact the shrimp ate some.
Is my clown going to die ? :(


If he has white spots he probably has ich. do you have a qt tank? try going to the disease/treatment section on the board. there is a ton of info about ich there. Beth knows her stuff.



Originally posted by newreefers
If he has white spots he probably has ich. do you have a qt tank? try going to the disease/treatment section on the board. there is a ton of info about ich there. Beth knows her stuff.

I did read there and unfortunately i don't have a QT tank :( . I am thinking of giving the clown to my LFS informing them of the same. Then running the tank without any fish (but with my snails/shrimp/crab) for 2 month's.
Good idea/bad ?


Your LFS probably won't take a clown with ich. Usually their tanks are all connected to the same water and filtration supply, and therefore share water between tanks. Have you tried using garlic? Some swear by it. It's mostly used to prevent ich, but I have heard some have had success with a mild outbreak. Hope he's okay.



Originally posted by ntvflgirl
Your LFS probably won't take a clown with ich. Usually their tanks are all connected to the same water and filtration supply, and therefore share water between tanks. Have you tried using garlic? Some swear by it. It's mostly used to prevent ich, but I have heard some have had success with a mild outbreak. Hope he's okay.

I would try garlic, but my LFS is out of kent's garlic, and my clown is not eating at all for the last 1 week now :(


go to the grocery store and buy some garlic, mash it into a juice, soak the food for a few minutes, drain off the excess juice, and feed him. the garlic should entice him.
go to the post by Beth in the disease zone and read the part about setting up a qt tank on the fly. if you don't have a "tank" a big rubber container would work.


Well, it finally passed away late last night :( .
I did try garlic to enduce it to eat. But the shrimp ate the brine shrimp and not the clown.
I also had my toad stool die on me this past weekend. I'm keeping the tank free of any more inhabitants. All i have now is a few snails/crabs and my 1 cleaner shrimp. I also have a small stone with polyp's which are open and fine. I plan on keeping it this way for 2 month's.


two months is about how long it takes ich to die off with out a host, your tank should be ich free and ready for fish by then. This would also be a good time to set up a qt tank as well, so you don't have to go through this again.