Is my coral dying?


The coral was bought for me by a friend. He told the LFS that I needed an easy to care for coral and that's what he brought me. I will defiinitely get the books. I'm very new to coral and know nothing about it really. Sounds like there's lots to learn! Here's a couple pics of the coral before it was infected. Maybe you can be sure of the identity with these pics.


Active Member
I think it is always a really nice gesture for friends to buy something related to the hobby, but I would encourage them to not buy living animals. Most have very particular requirements that you may not have, or may be animals you do not want (may not be compatible with your plan and then what do you do? Feel obligated to keep it or..???). So the "gift certificate" plan is always encouraged. :yes:


Yes, I think I will! Before another unsuspecting person goes in there and relies on their advice. Scary that they don't even know what they have OR maybe they did and knew it wouldn't last and that's their way of making money. Pathetic if true.
I was in a different store this am and saw "The Consciencious Marine Aquarist" I leafed through it and I can't wait till I can buy it (I have spent wayyyy to much money this month on the tank). Looked really good. The didn't have the "Aquarium Corals" but, I'm going to another store tomorrow and I'll check there. I can see I probably won't be getting much sleep with those two books on my night stand. :) Thanks for the great advice.


You are correct. Sad thing is though; I would have bought the same thing on their advice not knowing any better. I definitely will buy from the other stores since this one either doesn't know or just wants to make a sale. :mad:
I will also do my homework on corals before another piece is put in my tank!
You guys (Moderators) ever get tired of hearing about us Newbies making these insane mistakes? You have to cringe once in a while? More often than not I imagine.


Originally Posted by Fireykat04
Yes, I think I will! Before another unsuspecting person goes in there and relies on their advice. Scary that they don't even know what they have OR maybe they did and knew it wouldn't last and that's their way of making money. Pathetic if true.
I was in a different store this am and saw "The Consciencious Marine Aquarist" I leafed through it and I can't wait till I can buy it (I have spent wayyyy to much money this month on the tank). Looked really good. The didn't have the "Aquarium Corals" but, I'm going to another store tomorrow and I'll check there. I can see I probably won't be getting much sleep with those two books on my night stand. :) Thanks for the great advice.

No problem! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! (and the hobby as well!) :D


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fireykat04
You guys (Moderators) ever get tired of hearing about us Newbies making these insane mistakes? You have to cringe once in a while? More often than not I imagine.

Many of us cringe not from hearing the mistakes, but from remembering making the same mistakes in the past :yes:


It's good to know that even the well seasoned made mistakes as beginners. :happy: Since you do star fish. Do you do serpent stars? I have a little one. When I first got the star fish, it used to come out at feeding time. It doesn't come out any more? I see it in the rocks. I wanted to give it some krill. Any thoughts on why?


Active Member
To be honest, I am a brittle/serpentstar person over a seastar one but they all kinda get lumped together :D
Your serpentstar may be getting enough to eat as it is with your general feeding of the tank. Most - well at least many- brittle/serpentstars (I use them interchangeably) do hide most of the time during the day. They are nocturnal. Coming out during the day exposes them to some of their primary predators which are visually oriented predators. So you may see arms or so but that is often it. Some more "bold" brittlestars such as the green don't seem to mind too much when they smell food but do stay under rocks a lot - or close to them - except at night. You may try coming out after your lights go out and see if the serpent is wandering around.
When you feed, do you see any arm exposed? You can get food to the arm tip and it may take it...but it may not come all the way out. I have several that I don't see very much at all. I have 9 brittlestars in my 45g and the casual observer (and often me) have trouble seeing the majority - and even then it is usually an arm or something :yes:
So I think your serpent sounds rather normal :)