Is My Coral Dying?


New Member
I have a pink devil's hand leather coral. When I first put it in the tank it's polyps were out and it looked great. Two days later the polyps would not come out and it got a little yellowish. It shed a few days after that. It but still has not shown the bright pink color or the white polyps. I have compact florecents, 1.024, ammonia, NO3 all zero. My calcium was a little high but have done two water changes since. It gets a steddy but moderate current. What else? Do you just have to wait these things out? It's been in the tank about 4 weeks.


Active Member
I had a pink leather that was really nice looking a good year and then all of the sudden it waxed over for a few days and then it opend up a blander yellower color. Over 5 years it got bigger than a basketball but never got the pink color back. I don't think your leather is dying if it is still opening up and is getting the polyp extension.